Chapter 12: Like the Good Ol Day

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All of the hard works we put in the past three weeks created such an impact on our powers. I hardly noticed my levels since those kind of craps really not going to help me in the battlefield when I'm wielding guns. Maybe it would be a good idea to look over it sometime in the future...

Those materials from the Raptors was worth our troubles too, and getting us over thousands gold in one swoop after I turned it in. Even the employees at the Guild was quite astonished by the sheer amount of claws and beaks we managed to collect. The meat was quite pristine, and I actually earned a lot more when selling those at one of the restaurant.

I didn't do any hard quest, and I'm already making more money than I could do in a year back in my old world. Not to mention, the extra rewards from the quest that Stella offered back at Alterea Village was nothing to look over and put it in a bin. Some valuable magical scrolls and golds coin for all that matter was beyond my expectation.

Luckily the Guild has some sort of a banking system, so I was able to store all of the excessive amount of wealth we gathered.

"Mason, you exceptionally leveling so fast that you could become a Hero."

I lifted my eyebrows at the employee remark, "Ri-i-i-ight."

"No, no, no, I'm not kidding. There's actually seven Heroes dedicated for each kingdom, and currently, there's only six for the Re-Eztise. If you keep up the good work like this, you would get a nomination for the last seat. I'm sure of you, having the title as a Hero would benefit you a lot."

"I think about it, but for now, I'm just trying to live a good life. Oh, by the way, is there any quest associate with killing the Devil King?"

"Killing the Devil King?" She pondered for a while then gasped, "You couldn't possibly thinking about slaying him? Even S-rank adventurer and Heroes had a hard time dealing with him. That's why the seventh Hero from the Re-Eztise has gone missing or killed."

"Whatever, give me the damn quest and the info for it. I'll get it done in no time."

She informed me happily, "Well, fortunate for you, the quest have the hardest difficulty and the highest reward that the Guild could offer, but it doesn't limit to the highest ranking adventurers... so an E-rank adventurer like you could do it. I'll make sure to inform the Information Center of your participation in the quest, and here's your info. Good luck, adventurer Mason."

After taking the paperwork, I immediately headed for the exit and into the busy street of the early morning. I was quite astonished by the fact there were a fair amount of alive people living in this district. As a matter of fact, it was like their own little community that doesn't get that disturbed by the surrounding aurora of the rest of the city. Also, the city's atmosphere wasn't that bad in the first place.

Anyway, I might make my way back to the end to check up on Masami condition. I didn't knew why, but she been on my mind a lot recently. Maybe I'm treating her like one of my men. Always fighting for the sake of them rather than anything else when we were out doing some ops. I didn't knew it was true for other combatant or not, but fighting for what kept you alive and someone next to your was far more worthy for your blood and sweat than fighting patriotically for your country.

Heck, Masami might just fit under that categories of getting the same treatment as my men...

It appeared I'm in really deep thought that I hardly noticed I'm already walked into the inn and arrived in front of the girls room. Next thing I did was to knock it nicely, not like yesterday when I dolphin dived into the room like a freaking maniac.

No answer...

I knocked again, but a little more forceful this time. Then Masami angelic voices echoing through the wooden door, "Please come in."

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