Chapter 8: All Things Gone South

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I couldn't believed my eyes anymore, and even Ignia was astonished that she shuddered in fear. Masami has gone over a complete transformation.

Now, she didn't took the appearance of a child anymore. However, she looked more like a stunningly beautiful mature woman, but more in a bewitching way. Other noticeable features were her change in shape and color of her animal parts. Alongside with her hair, both the fox tails and ears were shrouded in white platinum color. Did I mentioned tails? Yes, there were nine of them! A fucking nine tails fox!?

I won't question the fact she has a completely different outfit right now. The clothing was dyed in the eye-catching crimson and black color, resembling the blood of human being running through our vein and the color of the infinite of the cosmos, with a touched of some sort transparent, dark cloak attached at the bottom and behind her dress. It look more like of a bottom piece of the butterfly wing, but enlarge and eviler.

I'm not going to questioned her taste in outfit nor the fashion design, but wasn't wearing a clear stocking with garter belt a bit too revealing? And each clothing was separated; you got one cover her entire body like a one-piece swimsuit, the skirt/dress I mentioned earlier that only covered behind her, and probably some sort of transparent sleeve covering her arms. Not to mention, the portion of her thigh was left perfectly clear for anyone to see between the stocking and the limit of her dress.

Basically, I should be wondering about my inferior knowledge of fashion or her boldness of showing that much... uh, sexiness. Speaking of sexiness, I couldn't help but amazed by the fact that her chest size gotten a whole lot bigger... maybe went from A-cup straight to - I don't know - G-cup? Still, her slim and well-rounded body was another perk. Wait a minute... she shaped exactly like one of those big titties anime girl!

 she shaped exactly like one of those big titties anime girl!

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Hmm... remind me of the design of the character Kyubi from that RPG game Warrior Orochi 3 Ultimate... well, the outfit part was somewhat similar but that the closest references I could relate. 

Okay, description of her new appearance aside, her same old crimson red eye was staring at me menacingly. She was not herself, and I am going to bet my life on the line that she was currently possessed. All in all, I'm particularly screwed, and in no way of Hell beat her in an one-on-one fight.

"I'm so screw..." I mumbled to myself.

"Mason, I can purify her if I can get close to directly use my purification magic!" Ignia offered.

"Can't you just shoot it from afar? You are a fucking goddess!"

"I'm sorry... I am not the one who invent purification magic, so are you going to distract her or not?"

"I can't run if my ankle is broken..."

Ignia sighed tiredly and hovered her hands over my leg, "Full recovery! Okay, now go... Oh God, watch out!"

Upon hearing her word, I immediately grabbed Ignia alongside with me to dodge whatever attack coming our way. I guessed bad guys didn't really want to wait around to let the MC chitchat for all they want like in the movie. It was a close call as I felt a wind blasted behind me and knocked down everything in it path, including the barrier that been holding down the door. As soon as it was knocked down, the lizardmen oozed through like horde of zombies. We were surrounded yet again. It would be now or never.

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