Chapter 4: Quest and Trial

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It was amazing that I'm the center of attention, but this too much! I got some back in the day but this was like times a hundred. As soon as I walked through the gate, all eyes were on me. I knew demi-human was a rarity around this part of the region, but people should stop staring at me like I'm some goddamn goddess. Maybe the part where I'm a kid was another factor that raised many people suspicious of me. Not to mention, asking for direction already hard as it is when the food stand owner tried to dotted on me and gave some fruits for free.

I gladly accepted the gifts of course, since I needed all the energy I can get.

Arriving at the main square, I immediately spotted the Guild at the left hand side like everyone said. It was heart throbbing as I opened the door, because this was going to be the first step for me becoming an adventurer. Inside the building was bustling with activities and no one seemed to focus on my presence. Either they were busying talking, planning, dinning, flirting, or I'm that much of a small presence in here that I managed to slip away unnoticed.

It was then I spotted a sign said 'Job Guidance'. I followed the sign to arrive at what look like an admission office. More of a place where I can deposit my money though. Anyway, I walked straight to one of the window and tried to grab one of the available person attention. Not until they peered over the counter to see me, because of my ears sticking over the top, they giggled politely for some reason.

"Oh, little miss. Are you lost? This is the Guild Job Guidance, unless you looking to be an adventurer?" The employee look like was having fun and she tried her best to stay formal by hiding her laugh.

I don't really feel offended though, "Yes, I would like to become an adventurer."

She shook her head in dismay. My guess this kind of registration does happened from time to time. If I can read her mind, it would goes like this: Oh my God! Not again. One of those insolent brat that tried to become an adventurer. They are kid, not hero! Also, a beastkin signing up for an adventurer job?

She giggled, "Alright, prove your strength by defeating some low level monsters like slime and such in the nearby woods. Then bring back some evidence and we could evaluate your skill with an examiner."

Looks like I'm one step ahead of the game, "Does hide and stinger from Giant Scorpion counted?"

"Giant Scorpion? What are you talking about? They are like lvl. 15 monsters and even beginner adventurers had a hard time dealing with it in par..."

I interrupted her by throwing some hides and three stingers from my leather satchel onto the desk much to her surprise. She widen her eyes at my loots and looked at me extensively again.

"I heard this loot can be sell in the Guild too, right?" I suggested since I'm in need of money too.

"That's right..." She fixed her glasses up after finding out it been sliding down her nose for quite a while, probably shaken up a bit too. She continued, "A - alright, it appeared you already defeated some monsters. What's your name?"

"Masami Tawaraya..."

"Can you please follow me, Tawaraya? I lead you to the examiner, so he could judge whether you acceptable for joining the Guild."

She leaded me to another hallway, and into a gym-looking room (more of a boxing ring without all those strings and a square box). At the opposite side of the wall, there was a half naked man sitting on a bench. He only dressed in a trunk, and looking really beefy like some WWE fighters. But, he was far larger than any normal human being and almost looked like a giant. I never seen a man this big, tall, and muscular before. At first glance, it was kind of intimidating too.

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