Chapter 5.5: The Interrogation

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"It was quite a series of events. Doesn't it?" I leaned back on my chair and chuckled.

In the end, silence engulfed the whole room, and I can only find the constant buzzing of the LED light above us preventing the atmosphere from going to the uncomfortably tranquility. My interrogator examined me with her keen eye – which been applied by some makeup or eyelashes, or something to make women look prettier, I don't know that was still against the rule though – and continue to do so when I stopped with my storytelling. I shifted uncomfortably on the cold metal chair, and not only the chair, the table or even the air, seem a little bit dry and chilly for some apparent reason.

"You got to be kidding me. though You guys been keeping me in here for days already. When are you people going to start listen to me, and start doing something practical?" I asked with lack of interested because they been holding me since the day I got recuperated, "Like I told you before, the only thing you going to find more is events that will lead to my crazy theory. The people of Earthfast will invade this world."

"Then intrigued us with more of your events. If I believed what you said is true, then we will have half a year to prepare for that incident." She clasped her hand together on the table, and look at me with a stern gaze. "Now, shall we move on?"

I sighed, and look at the nearby recorder and the camera at the top corner of the room. I would be never out of here if I don't give what they wanted. Damn military police. "It seems like you already took interested in my adventure from the second days I started my story. Well, we have the time. Let's continue then."

"That absurd!" The interrogator barked, and her face suddenly turn to red as a lobster. "I'm just doing this for the sake of the MP. And you lucky I'm the one who always do the talking Lt. Mason."

"Alright, alright, ma'am. You can calm down." I let out a small laughed, "It's not like I'm enjoying recalling everything, Colonel Anderson."

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