Chapter 6: An Unusual Request

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Everyone was satisfied with their stay at the inn. We decided it was obvious to stay here for the night, get some good rest, and head out next thing in the morning. The battle during the evening was out of my expectation, and even go beyond what I had speculated. My power increased significantly when I had the Jian in my hand, and it opened up to more skills that I can took advantage of during that battle. I discovered I can just simply used some basic sword stance, but I kind of went a little overboard last time when I felt an tremendous power surging through my body.

My power was scary. I don't know how I fare up with other adventurer, but that some strong magic in my book. My body just moved naturally, and it was like the movement I been practicing for years. Their movement was very slow (almost like one of those slow motion in video option) and I could just basically walked away from it without breaking a sweat.

I looked down at the Jian again, which was all clean from the blood. It was not my power alone, but somehow the sword was able to boost my skills tenfold. Those bandit didn't stood a chance, since everything appeared to be so slow whenever I'm in combat. Not that Mason guns were equally deadly as I didn't registered his bullets leaving the barrel and scoring a headshot on that bandit. Gun is still scary invention...

"Hey, Masami, I been wondering," I perked up my head as response to Ignia voice across the room. The feeling of having ears and tails still amazed me, and took some kind of getting used to. Until I'm not self aware of the movement I have on ears and tails, it would be a good time 

And it was obvious that we rented two rooms, and we staying together since we are both girl. I didn't usually interact with them that much, but got plenty of doses from my mom and little sister. It was also the reason why they left me in a state that I'm afraid of having a girlfriend or interact with any girls.

"Yeah, what is it?" I putted back the Jian back to it scabbard, and left the thing next to the night table.

"What is the real reason why you join our party?"

"Nothing, I just like having company and making new friends..." While she acting all serious, I just replied cheerfully like a little kid. But it would be a good time to change the subject though, "So, I heard you are a goddess. Mason didn't even shy when sharing that information to me. And a useless goddess at that too... why's that?"

"Hmph! Please don't talk about that guy again. He was the whole reason that I'm here in the first place. Initially..." she stopped for a moment, then continued, "Why the heck not? I should reveal this to you anyway sooner or later, or he will do it.

"Initially, he was from another world - surprised that you didn't ask where he came from with his weird loadout judging from this world perspective - and died. I'm the goddess that dealt with his afterlife and granted him option to live there, reborn, or reincarnated here with his body and memory intact. He chose the third option, but also alongside with the third choice was a small bonus of what you chose to bring with you. Be it superpower or wealth, or anything, but instead of choosing any of those, he chose me to be his companion. Smarty ass... Anyway, he was also sent here with the purpose of defeating the Devil King, which basically the strongest being in this world. I don't know how a mere human like him would be able to do it though."

"That's... a very interesting explanation." I laughed nervously, "No wonder why Mason have an interesting way of dressing and talking."

"A person like you here would not be able to understand him anyway, Jason Turner..." There was this long suspended quietness hanging in the air, and I widen my eyes at Ignia when she was showing her smug face. She continued, "Didn't expect me to know your name? Who do you think I am? I'm a goddess after all. It's my job to monitor people in the afterlife. And Jason Turner, you are one of them."

A Solider and his Fox Companion Reincarnated in Another World [OUTDATED]Where stories live. Discover now