Chapter 4: Roleplay

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Aiden, Thu Dec 13th 2012

"The part up there will be the VIP area," I explain to Alexander showing him the half-finished balcony, "and under it is going to be the stockroom. That's why the main bar is located near the wall, to have easy access."

The work in the new building of the Blue Phoenix and Hedonism have been going on steadily, and I'm really pleased that all will be ready for the grand opening on New Year's Eve. The Blue Phoenix is almost done, there is just the elevated VIP area and the electrical work to finish. On the other side, the Blue Hedonism is completely done, only waiting for all the furniture and toys to be moved from the old club.

The old Blue Phoenix will close on the 23rd to give us time to move the stuff from the old playrooms to the new ones. I still had to order a lot of new equipment, since this club contains twice the number of playrooms as the old one – which is one of the reasons I built it. There are also four showrooms instead of just two, for those who want to watch private scenes, or more extreme ones that I'm not comfortable having featured on the main stages. All in all there will be far more space for everyone.

Alexander, having accepted my offer last week, started officially as my second-in-command last Monday, and I began to show him the ropes of the job. He will mostly work with Stan, my head of security, but he has to know pretty much everything if I want to leave him the responsibility of the club for one night once in a while. It would be awesome to have an evening off other than a Monday on occasion! Alexander has a natural aura of authority that I am sure would make even some Doms crack, he is extremely serious and exceedingly respectful of Subs. All those qualities, especially the last, make me sure he could be a great Master Dom one day.

For now, I'm giving him a private tour of the new club, starting with the part he will go to the least, the Blue Phoenix. It is easier to hide the BDSM club behind an official one, and the crowds that mingle in the discotheque give plenty of opportunities to recruit potential members. It is also highly profitable!

Now that we have completely visited the Blue Phoenix, I guide Alexander toward the small door that will link it to the Blue Hedonism, which will always be under the surveillance of a security guard. This one is rarely used because the kinky part of the building has its own entrance, on the street behind to be more discreet.

Adding this part to my discotheque was the best decision I ever took. I instantly fell in love with the kinky sex without any feelings attached. I don't do relationships, they are not for me, but having a different partner every night for steamy hot scenes is just wonderful! And a BDSM club with more than two hundreds Submissives is a perfect place for this. I make a point of trying them all – at least all the ones available!

"We will begin with the main room of the club!" I tell him as we walk in the small corridor and take the next door on our left.

"Not bad!" my second-in-command whistles, when we enter.

I hope that's an understatement because like everything else, this is way bigger and better than the one in the previous club. The new couches are already scattered all around the place, I didn't feel like moving the old ones here. Even with all the efforts of my cleaning crew, lots of them have just seen far too much fucking to be of any use anymore. From there we take the door that leads straight to the Subs' room. I tried to do them right by having the new one twice as big as before.

We enter in the part where all the tables and benches will go, so that they can eat their dinner and socialize in peace, and from there I show him the communal showers facing a huge row of toilets – I laugh again when I think back at the moment when the contractor asked us why we would need so many of them. Then I show him the row of big stalls I had installed. Contrary to the old club, they now each have one toilet and a shower, so that it will be more practical for shyer Subs to prepare. Or for the ones who like to prep – or do the naughty, I think fondly – between friends.

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