Chapter 21: Happy birthday, Daddy

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Zach, Sun Jan 13th 2013

I grin stupidly at the clock for the longest time when I wake up. 10am! It's the first time since my escape when I manage to sleep without my usual awakening at 6am. I take it as a sign that things are slowly changing, even if it's with baby steps. Though this might have been the morning when I wanted to wake up earlier... I have so much to do!

I'd have totally tried to find a way around Daddy's grounding yesterday night if it weren't for his birthday today! After everything he did for me, I absolutely have to do something nice for him. I opted for a cake. I know I said the new Zach doesn't cook, but this is an exception. I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon and a bit of the evening baking the perfect birthday cake. I know it's going to be amazing, contrary to what my brain is trying to make me believe, because the new Zach rocks in a kitchen. I still messed up a few times, but I kept my cool and just patiently redid the parts that went wrong.

When I finished the kick-ass dessert, I concentrated on the present I'm going to give him today: the drawing I have been working on since last week. I decided to redo it again from the beginning on Wednesday, and since then I have been focusing on all the tiny details to make it perfect. It's very annoying to work while hearing Thomas' voice telling me I have no talent whatsoever, so I always put some music on at the loudest volume possible to distract me.

This morning I use my headphones while I work on it since don't want Daddy to wake up too early. Last night was one of the nights he had to close the club, so he hadn't come home at 2am when I finally went to bed, and I bet that he will sleep in until noon at the very least. I think I have managed to capture his mischievous expression properly, as well as the way he naturally radiates authority but I haven't been able to properly convey the aura of nostalgia he sometimes gives, and that's what I try to do for the rest of the morning.

When I'm eventually satisfied with the result, I hide my work in one of the drawers in my room and head into the living room, stopping the music. Aiden has already woken up and is cooking our usual breakfast, wearing just sweatpants. Seeing the muscles in his shoulders flex as he is making pancakes, I have to admit that Daddy is hot! I'm sure he must get plenty of special attention in his kinky club.

"Morning, Baby!" he says when he finally sees me.

"Good morning, Daddy!" I shout back.

"There is a cake in the fridge," he states.

"Yeah, it's kind of for your birthday," I blurt, a bit shyly.

Come on, get a grip! New Zach is never embarrassed!

"Where did you buy it?" he asks curiously.

Wait, does he think I went to a bakery for this?

"No, I made it all by myself!" I reply proudly.

It's true it does look good, and it will probably taste fabulous! At least that's what I have been repeating to myself over and over since I've finished it.

"You've cooked?" he asks with a dumbfounded expression.

"Yes, but only because it's a special occasion, Daddy! You better enjoy it because I won't do it again anytime soon."

"So this is my birthday present?" he asks smugly.

"Kind of... I also prepared another one... Do you want it now?"

"I'd love to see it, Baby!"

I'm a bit nervous when I go fetch my gift in my room, even if I keep telling myself it's awesome and he is going to love it.

"I haven't had time to properly frame it yet," I warn him as I drop the sheet on the table, "but you get the idea."

His eyes seem to pop out of their sockets when they land on the drawing. I guess it's a good sign, no? He stares at it, apparently at a loss for words, and I see his face fills with emotion.

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