Chapter 55: Healing

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Aiden, Fri May 3rd 2013

It's the third time this year I find my Baby in a hospital bed, and there's no getting used to it. He looks serene, sleeping like an angel on his front, yet I know he has gone through hell. He was awake when he arrived in the emergency room and explained in detail the torture he had gone through to the doctor there. I still can't believe Romero penetrated him roughly with a large dildo without any prep, just to hurt him. At least my Baby wasn't raped but I'd still kill the fucker if Tanner hadn't beat me to it.

This made an open wound in my poor Baby's rectum, which wasn't treated properly and had already began to get infected when he arrived at the hospital. As a result, he had to be operated on last night under general anesthesia, and I'm waiting for him to wake up. Albany being three fucking hours away from New York, I couldn't even talk to my Baby before he was in the operating room.

I was so relieved to get Tanner's call telling me he had found my boy. I had barely slept and had left Ethan's place in the morning, my best friend having to work. I tried to keep my mind busy with stuff at the club, with little success. Fortunately, the wait was not too long and as soon as I knew where my Baby was headed, I jumped in my car. Driving not too far above the speed limit on the interstate was the hardest thing I had to do.

When I finally reached the hospital, I had to wait for a few hours before my baby was let out of the operating room. The doctor told me everything went well and that he should completely recover, with time. I guess that will mean no fucking my Baby for a while, but that won't be a problem. His health comes first, of course! Tanner was too merciful by just shooting Romero to death, although I could never tell him that.

I was finally authorized to see him and spent the night in his room. Since then, I've been waiting for my Baby to wake up, watching him sleep. I can't believe I almost lost him! My little crazy angel... I just love him so much! I don't know how I would have coped if he hadn't been found so quickly. He looks so peaceful, his chest lightly going up and down with the rhythm of his breathing. His face is flawless, so beautiful.

Call me creepy, but I can't resist bending over him and softly pecking his neck, then his cheeks. The second time I give a small kiss, he turns his head and I feel him moving his lips in response to my touch. The third time, he slowly parts them, so I let my tongue explore his mouth in a gentle and caring kiss.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" I chuckle after it.

"Morning, Daddy! I want to wake up like this every day!" he mumbles in reply, with his eyes still closed.

"Aren't you in too much pain?" I ask him with concern.

"I feel high and groggy mostly, I think they gave me some strong stuff this time..."

"You were in pretty bad shape, Baby..." I answer.

I don't want to force him to talk about his captivity if he doesn't want to. From what I gathered, Tanner also killed the bastard who abducted my Baby in front of him, and that could have left some additional trauma.

"He hurt me, Daddy!" he tells me in a small voice. "He wanted to know where Troye was but I didn't tell him."

"You were so brave, Baby! I'm so proud of you!"

I can't believe the motherfucker wanted to torture my boy just to get information about the location of his Sub. How did I miss how much of a monster he was during all those years at the club?

"It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, Daddy," he continues. "I was in my happy place, with you."

When he says things like this, I just want to hug him. Sadly I can't really do that right now, so I content myself with running my hand in his hair.

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