Chapter 14: A night at the club

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Aiden, Fri Jan 4th 2013

It's hard to leave Zach alone in the loft, but I do have to work. This afternoon, Alexander and I are testing three new Submissives for the club and I have a bit of paperwork to do. I'd rather have stayed with the little blonde, especially since he is on his own in the mornings and at nights already. At least my mother will visit tomorrow, so he won't be as lonely. And I'm sure she will be able to help him tremendously, because she's kind of the best at what she does. I'm pretty sure he would refuse to go see a therapist so this is the best we can do.

I'm glad I bought the boy some art supplies because he is clearly talented, whatever his thoughts on the subject. The drawing he did is just breathtaking! And it kept him busy yesterday night, since he said he was bored. I make a mental note to buy him a phone and a laptop; hopefully those will help to occupy him as well.

This will have to wait for tomorrow though, I have just too much to do today! I don't know when his birthday is, but it's probably too far away. I realize suddenly I don't even know his last name! Thankfully, Tanner will find his official papers and I'll find out. I could also ask him if my friend doesn't find anything.

The first potential Sub is already waiting in front of my office when I arrive and greets me with a small voice, blushing. His name is Spencer and he is a shy, cute little thing. He has a very naturally submissive demeanor that I'm sure will please a lot of Doms in the club.

"Strip down to your underwear and kneel in the center of the room!" I order.

There won't be any sex this afternoon – not that I would be against that – the test is just to check he knows how to behave properly with a Dominant, to be sure he is ready to interact with the strictest members of the club. The stripping part is just to ensure he is comfortable enough exposing his body, which will, of course, happen a lot in the club. With a less reserved Sub, it usually doesn't cause any problems, but Spencer is very modest.

I just watch him getting into place from the corner of my eyes, but I see him blushing deeply as he kneels in tight black boxer briefs that don't really conceal his excitement. His quite big excitement I might add. He doesn't look as big as me, but easily surpasses half the dominant members of the club! Like the good boy he is, he keeps his eyes lowered, perfectly adopting the display position. I don't say anything and just let him wait, to see if he will mess up in any way.

When Alexander joins me in my office and we start talking, he doesn't look up, avoiding our first trap. My second-in-command is a bit meaner than me, as he openly discusses the bulge in the poor boy's underwear, making his face reach the color of a lobster, but he still doesn't look up or move from his position.

"Stand at attention, Spencer!" I order at some point, and the cute Sub obeys immediately.

He is really graceful, and I'm sure that when he works a bit on his modesty, he will be a very good Sub. We test him further with the various basic positions he has to know, but he is obviously ready to become a full member of the club.

"Congratulations, Spencer!" I praise him at the end of the little test. "You did extremely well, and have been a very good boy."

The praise makes him blush once again.

"Since you have filled all the paperwork, you are all set, and you can come back tonight for your first evening here as an official Submissive of the Blue Hedonism."

"Thank you Master Aiden," he replies. "Hum... May I talk to you alone for a minute?"

"Is this important?" I ask. "Because we have other candidates to test this afternoon and a busy schedule."

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