Chapter 25: The purpose of kneeling

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Aiden, Mon Jan 21st 2013

This boy is going to be the death of me! I've stopped counting the number times I've told myself that in the past few days.

It began on Saturday morning when he accidentally woke me up at 10am after barely four hours of sleep since I had to do the closing of the Blue Hedonism. Oh, he told me he really thought the volume of his music was lower when he launched the speakers but his mischievous face told me another tale. Of course, since I was so conveniently awake, he asked to begin his training as a Submissive right at that moment. I knew the scene he saw deeply aroused him – enough to make him come without any kind of stimulation! – but he needed to think this through.

Fuck, maybe this was me just not being ready to see him play with another Dom... No, I know I can't be with him this way so it was just me protecting him from his rash mind.

It didn't sit right with Zach when I told him that I felt he had not considered his decision enough and began to shriek at me. I was already tired from being woken up so early, and the way he talked back to me showed how little he trusted my judgment until he went too far and I spanked him.

Fifteen blows should calm him a bit... or so I thought! He didn't bring the subject up for the rest of my time at home, but I was interrupted yet again during a scene that night because the little brat was going to the backroom area of the Blue Phoenix with two bulky men.

Boy, was I pissed! First, I thought he had learned from his mistake, and then I was in the middle of a very hot foursome with William, Dylan and Spencer. The two shy Subs wanted to try something together and Spencer had asked William if he would be interested during their time together. It was supposed to be him and the two boys but being the good friend that he is, he offered me to join. The Subs were just catching their breath after a very hot 69 that we watched, with William shamelessly masturbating and I was horny as fuck!

I don't even bother putting on a shirt when I arrive in my office. It takes me all the time my security guys needed to escort the bad Baby in there to make my erection deflate, even with the variety of techniques I know to help with this kind of problem! When Zach enters my office he doesn't even have the decency to look guilty.

"Explain!" I tell him as soon as he sits down, my voice booming in the room.

That makes him flinch, as well as the bouncers who quietly retreat outside, but he quickly recovers.

"Since you don't want to help me have threesomes in your club, I'm taking matters into my own hands," he shrugs.

I've been very patient with my Baby, but this kind of attitude coupled with the fact that he interrupted what should have been a great night is wearing on me. I don't have to force myself very much to act angry.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell. "What did I say about going into intense scenes by yourself with complete strangers?"

"You forbade it, but you're offering no alternative," he replies calmly.

"I offered you one! I just fucking told you to think it through until Monday!"

"I have thought it through, and now I want to begin the training," he states with the same composed tone.

"When I decide it," I growl. "Which is not going to be anytime soon if you keep going with that attitude! Right now though, you are going to get the spanking of your life."

"No," he responds simply.

That instantly twists my stomach in the worst way possible. Does he want to stop our game? Doesn't he trust me anymore? Has he had enough of me already? Did I go too far? I knew I'd screw this up.

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