Chapter 54: Slippery slope

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Tanner, Thu May 2nd 2013

This investigation isn't really in my jurisdiction, but the chief is friendly with the cops walking that beat. Besides, it's such an easy one, it will be good for their stats, and technically Aiden could have chosen to report the abduction of his Baby in my precinct all the way uptown Manhattan instead of the one near his club. I do have a duty to intervene whenever a crime happens just in front of me, but for something so far from my police station, I usually hand it over to the cops here. This time, I'll give them the fucker once I've caught him, and no one should complain.

No way I'm dropping a case where my friend is involved, though! Of course, one would argue I'm only doing this because of the value he adds to my life and not because I care about him. But even if sometimes I think I'm incapable of feeling those type of emotions, I can picture quite easily what my life would be like without Aiden's help. I would probably be rotting in jail for the longest time already.

Using the most masochistic Subs at his club does not completely erase my dark urges to hurt people, but it does dampen them to a level where I can keep them in control. It's probably as difficult for me to resist abducting a pretty boy, rape him and torture him to death, as a recovering alcoholic walking into a liquor store would have to prevent himself from tasting the free stuff. I'm pretty proud I have never yielded to this temptation before.

I might make an exception tonight, though!

The cabin isn't too far from here now, just a few miles to drive on a tiny trail. How did I find it? It really was easy. Such a nice breather from the double murder investigation I was stuck on for weeks.

At first, I checked the address Romero had registered at the club. Which was also the one associated with his driver license. I crept into the building where his loft was while I had my partner fill in the paperwork to get a warrant. I didn't stick around when I realized the whole place was empty, though. I may or may not have picked the lock to be one hundred percent sure there was no one inside since the warrant took too long to come.

That's when I drove to Logan's place to check if Troye might have any idea of where his former Master might have taken Zach. At least, I thought it would be former Master in the Sub's mind, but I was apparently mistaken. Sometimes, trying to understand people is just so damn hard...

If I was capable of liking people, Logan should definitely be one of them. He is an easy-going fuckboy that all the Subs happen to like. I investigated him for the fun of it but nothing stood out of the ordinary. Even if he was born and raised in a middle class family, and barely got his college degree, he still managed to get a fair amount of money from smart real estate investments all around the state.

Perhaps he charmed his way through all the previous home owners, because the guy is very good at speaking and such a charmer. Though, that is to be expected from a radio personality. Plus, from what I saw at the club, I wouldn't be surprised if he fucked his way up to the top, even if from what I can tell, he's a totally different creature when he's tending to Troye's needs.

In any case, Logan also reminded me why I don't like people, pestering me because I was being insensitive toward Troye. It's not my fault the Sub was useless and couldn't tell me more than the fact that they had been to a vacation home several times somewhere upstate, in the north, without being able to pinpoint its precise location for me.

One thing I didn't fail to notice though, is the way his body stiffened when he remembered the vacations there. I may not understand people well, but the way he reeked of sadness instantly got me hard. Something he didn't like happened during one of the so-called vacations there.

Learning that he was in a secluded location sent me in predator mode. I didn't want to conduct the official inquiry anymore. I wanted to go there on my own and have Romero to myself in the house he had specially outfitted, making him taste his own medicine. My mind began to explore various scenarios where I could subject him to the most exquisite tortures. I just had to find him to make it happen.

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