Chapter 39: Victory

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Zach, Sun Mar 24th 2013

My pillow is way too warm and too comfortable, and when I peek my eyes open, it's either way too early or I'm not in my bedroom because it's very dark in here. Definitely not my room, I think to myself as I open one eye a bit longer. This is the standard bed in the playrooms of the club, so I must have fallen asleep after a scene. That wouldn't be the first time!

Memories of last night begin to come back to my blurry mind. I can't believe I managed to make Daddy yield! I won! Take that old Zach! A sudden feeling of euphoria takes over me. In that instant, it seems that anything is possible, as long as I apply myself toward it. The man I wanted finally succumbed to my advances, after so many rejections!

His story was one of the saddest things I've ever had to hear. Poor Daddy had it hard, and from the little he told me, it seems he completely withdrew, keeping all of his trauma to himself. He completely misinterpreted the letter Oliver wrote to him and bottled everything inside. I'm no expert, but I think it'd have been best to talk to someone about it instead of shutting everyone out. In his case, it seems it only strengthened his depression and its symptoms. I don't know why his mom let him brood on it like this – she seems a competent therapist, though.

His paranoia surrounding sex with feelings was completely ludicrous, but I couldn't really tell him that. I completely understood where it came from, and why it was logical in his mind. But there was no way I would let him pass me aside over it. I wanted Daddy and I was ready to do anything to get him. I'm glad that full honesty did the trick and that he finally yielded!

When I move, the stinging pain in my butt makes me wince a bit. Boy, I got it good last night, I chuckle inwardly. Whoever said that size doesn't matter needs to get a taste of Daddy. He sure knows how to wield his monster to give pleasure to his partner! No wonder he's considered the best in the Subs' room! I don't think I ever felt so much bliss as I did last night, it was more intense than any other experience I've had before.

I chuckle when I think about how Daddy fell asleep last night just after his last orgasm, still buried inside me. He must have been exhausted from the last week, I'm not sure he slept very well with my frustrating game. He was so deeply asleep he didn't wake up when I shifted and pushed him on the side, letting his limp cock slip out of my ass. Thankfully I wasn't tied, though I'm sure security team would have intervened in that case. Then I snuggled against his side and joined him in his sleep.

I'm glad I'm the first to wake up. That gives me a chance to stare at his gorgeous body. I was a bit too busy last night to really study it, but now I linger on the details of his muscular chest, with just the right amount of hair in the right places, his strong thighs. Of course, my gaze is soon drawn to the python between them. Even in its flaccid state, it remains fairly impressive. The piercing on his frenulum area, with two little balls of metal on each side, is very intriguing. I could feel it when it passed my ring of muscle, but not so much when he was inside me. Now I wonder how it would feel in my mouth.

There is no way I will go anywhere before Daddy awakens, I won't worry him by having him wake up in an empty bed. I also don't want him to go back to his previous state where having sex with him was apparently a bad thing. So he is going to get a very happy wake-up. He better reward me for this afterward, however! To be fair though, all the pounding I got last night is already a prize in itself.

I silently crawl down between his legs, before I take the tip of his cock in my mouth. I gently suck at it, letting my tongue swirl over it. As I thought, the metal feels a bit cold but I quickly get used to it. I don't know if it makes the area more sensitive in any way, but when I play with it I hear a low groan and Daddy's eyes snap open, looking at me with lust.

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