Chapter 51: Comforting Daddy

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Zach, Sun Apr 28th 2013

Yesterday has been so hard on Daddy. Ever since I discovered poor Troye was abused by his ass of a Dom, guilt has been eating him alive. Somehow he thinks he is responsible for what happened to the poor boy, as if he could have seen or guessed what was happening.

At least Troye agreed to take a few days on his own, far from Romero. I had nothing to do with his decision, it was all Logan's doing. The Dominant joined us at the hospital just after the Doc had finished examining the abused Sub, and managed to convince him somehow. I know Troye thinks it's only for a few days, time to get better, like I did back in January, but hopefully being away from his awful Master's influence will help him realize that another life is possible.

Apparently, Logan and Troye are friends and the Dom has offered the Sub a place to stay for a few days to clear his mind. I could tell Logan has a romantic interest in the poor guy, but I'm pretty sure it's unrequited for now: Troye is madly in love with his abuser. It's scary how he accepted everything the bastard did to him without complaining... though who am I to talk... I was exactly like this, perhaps just less compliant.

In any case, I quickly understood I was not needed at the hospital anymore and I went back to the loft. I thought Daddy would comfort me after this stressful night, but he was already asleep, sprawled fully dressed on the bed, and I didn't dare wake him up.

I discovered the next day I would have to be the one to comfort him. Talk about a classic Dom/Sub relationship! As soon as he woke up – without cuddles or sex! – he went to his office, not even cooking us our usual breakfast. I couldn't help but sulk at first because he's supposed to take care of me, which includes making me food. After I raided the nearest Starbucks, with Daddy's credit card, of course, I went to check what he was doing.

It turns out that Daddy decided to watch over all the recordings of every playroom for the past month. That was what he did for the whole Sunday. I didn't manage to catch his attention and believe me when I say I tried. Me naked at the door asking him sensually if he needed anything only got me an absentminded, "In a minute, Baby!"

At first, I was deeply upset and stormed back home. But as time passed and he didn't check on me, I began to become a bit concerned. Has he even eaten anything since last night? I resolve to swallow my pride this time and head toward the security room to ask Stan if he has seen Daddy out of his office today. Turns out he didn't move, and the logs show he spent his whole time watching security footage from the video surveillance system.

Stan also awkwardly confessed to me that Daddy requested a whipping yesterday and Alexander obliged, which is the last straw. That man is totally fucking crazy! I storm out to his office after letting the head of security know he should call me instantly the next time Daddy acts as insanely as he did.

Daddy's office is a pitiful sight; seeing him on the other side of his desk, his hair disheveled, his stubble not cleanly shaved and his eyes red from staring at his screen for too long. Of course, he doesn't raise his head when I go to see him this time either, so I opt for a simpler approach: I unplug his computer, causing the whole thing to shut down after a few minutes.

"What did you do now, Baby!" he exclaims angrily. "Don't you see that I'm working?"

"No, you're not, not until you have eaten something!" I reply in the same tone.

"I'll eat later, this is more important!"

"You haven't had a proper meal since last night, that's not acceptable," I tell him, trying to sound as authoritative as he usually does. Let me tell you it's way harder than it seems!

"I'm not playing games with you right now, Baby," he growls. "Plug the computer back in right now!"

"I'm not kidding, this is not healthy, Daddy!" I counter.

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