Chapter 52: Where is my Baby?

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Aiden, Wed May 1st 2013

I don't know what would have happened without the help of my Baby. Since last Saturday night, guilt has driven me completely crazy, and if it were not for his intervention and his good advice, I would have imploded. He has also been extremely good at helping me release some stress by taking good care of me, be it with some cooking, soothing massages and, of course, sex. The poor boy must be sore after all I have done to him, I think to myself, but he hasn't complained yet.

I'll definitely have to find the perfect reward to thank him for all of this when I can think straight again. I know I'm not in my normal state of mind, but I just have to do something, otherwise I completely drown in guilt. I should have noticed what was going on, there should have been some kind of safeguards to prevent this abuse. Even if nothing happened at the club, I'm responsible for checking the contracted relationship between a Dom and Sub member and make sure it doesn't deviate outside of it.

That's why I spent last Sunday shut in my office watching security footage all day long, trying to catch any sign of abuse in all the current contracted relationships. If my Baby hadn't come to get me, I would probably have spent the night and the following day there, without sleeping or eating. I wasn't ready for anyone to interrupt me, not even him, so of course we fought when he forcefully shut off my computer. I almost lost it in that moment, until he slapped me in the face by using his safeword.

Never in five years had I had a Sub safewording for stop. Slow down, yes, especially in intense scenes, but never to stop completely. This was a source of pride because it meant I was always perfectly in control, and carefully reading my Sub of the moment's body language. To have my Baby feel he needed to say his safeword was like a cold shower, and I snapped out of my trance instantly.

He went all Dom on me that evening, leading me home, feeding me, making me talk about my problems and providing good advice. Excellent advice I should say, since I've spent the past few days putting it into practice. It felt so good to let someone be in control; everyone, even a Master Dom, needs to be taken care of once in a while.

When he asked me to take the lead again, and to basically use him until I had calmed down enough, I forgot all my plans to go into my office and made sure to reward my Baby with an incredible night of sex. He kept begging for more and I must say I really needed the comfort, so we went at it like rabbits. As we did the next evening.

Last night he asked me to make another Sub join us because he was beginning to be a bit sore, but in the end, I had even more sex and didn't go particularly easy on my Baby. I'm feeling a bit bad about it because I saw he was walking awkwardly this morning. I ran him a warm bath before going back to work, but I'll have to fuck another Sub to relax tonight. It's my responsibility to stay under his physical limits and I have done a pretty poor job with it these past few days.

So tonight, my Baby will just watch. I will have no problem finding a Sub willing to go for an intense session. I will probably ask Joe, it has been a long time since we last played together, and he likes my rough scenes a lot. I'll just have to find a way to have my Baby in another room while I face-fuck the Sub, because my boy still can't bear the sight of a rough deep-throating... courtesy of Thomas.

I'll probably do that in my office before Joe goes to prep, after I've asked my Baby's permission, of course. Then we will watch the show together before we go to my playroom. I won't restrain my Baby, so that he can do anything, and just use and abuse Joe's holes. Or I could also have another Sub present to blow my boy while he watches, he certainly deserves that kind of reward!

Gosh I'm already hard with anticipation as I try to find the best candidate. It has to be another boy who likes to fool around with Subs. Perhaps Ryan, or Steven. Of course, I'll play with whoever accepts to join us on top of Joe which is great since I'm in the mood for another night with a lot of rounds of sex.

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