Chapter 32: A different kind of threesome

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Zach, Sat Mar 2nd 2013

Jeez, it's finally Saturday! It seems the extra week I had to wait because of Daddy's punishment has been one of the longest of my life! Every time you anxiously wait for a specific event, it always looks like time drags its feet to get you there. All my lessons seemed dull and uninteresting, and finishing my homework was a slow torture. But I had to, since Daddy wanted to check I was being a good boy before letting me enjoy my threesome tonight.

I still can't fathom what possessed me to try to seduce him on that night a bit more than a week ago. I was mostly desperate they would choose a Sub other than me to do their threesome, and I knew that with Alexander's possessiveness, this was my only chance, but I mostly blame Joe.

I didn't fully realize it at first, but he became more and more intent in the past few weeks to explain to me how Daddy was the best Dom, insisting on telling me all the juicy details of their scenes together. Or comparing him to all the other Doms: each time I said that this one had given me a wonderful orgasm, he would reply that, "Yeah, he's a nice Dom but not quite as good as Daddy."

All of this and his suggestions that I should really try Daddy got the better of me. When he punished me it only added to the fact that I was truly willing to do anything to be allowed to go to the club on Saturday night like planned, and I patiently waited for him to come back home on my fucking knees. For four fucking hours! Of course, that part was completely ignored... When he arrived home, I almost thought he would let himself be seduced.

But he didn't yield, which frustrated me to no end at first, but as I think back, it's probably for the best. If he's as good as Joe professes he is, with him already being the most gorgeous man in the club, I don't give myself more than five minutes of sex before falling deep for him. And we can't have that. Love is unhealthy. There's no way I am getting enslaved the way I was once again, not if I have a say in it.

I'm still pretty pissed that my plan didn't work. At least Daddy asked Alexander to reschedule and told me I would be able to go if I behaved. So I did, but it didn't prevent me from sulking. He could have at least showed some appreciation for me getting bored to death while I was waiting on my knees for his royal pain in the ass to come back. My joints ached during the next two days!

But even if I wasn't very gracious with Daddy, I still obeyed his reasonable demands, showed him all my finished homework and followed him to the gym twice last week without complaining. I even listened to his suggestion to stay home yesterday night so that I would be well-rested for today. My mood finally got lighter this morning which only made Daddy chuckle.

"It's nice to finally see a smile on your face, Baby!" he says with a grin of his own.

"You could have avoided all of this brooding if you had let the threesome happen last week, Daddy!" I reply.

"And how would you have learned your lesson, Baby?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"With the pain in my back I felt for three days last week?" I deadpan.

"That too!" he laughs. "I hope that this taught you something, Baby!"

"Yes, one, don't come to the club intoxicated. Two, you are a mean Daddy!" I answer sarcastically.

"Watch your mouth, Baby, or you might have a red ass for your friend tonight as well!"

After that, I keep on teasing him for the rest of breakfast, eventually earning a big slap on my butt that makes me yelp. Then I head to the hospital to pick up the results of the tests I did the day before. This is part of what Alexander asked of me when he summoned me to his playroom on Thursday night.

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