Chapter 11: Pep talk

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Zach, Wed Jan 2nd 2013

I slowly wake up feeling groggy and dizzy but I don't seem to hurt anywhere. I thought that there would be more pain... does that mean that what I thought happened to me last night was, in fact, just a nightmare? Am I laying down next to Thomas, still on our way to save our relationship? I don't dare open my eyes because I don't want to know.

In truth, the fact that my bed is slowly inclined, the various noises I hear and the too-clean smell are enough to let me know where I really am, but I don't want to acknowledge it just yet. I can dream for one more minute that the bench didn't happen. I want more cuddles and kisses from the gentle Thomas, rather than dealing with the aftermath of yesterday. If I am indeed in the hospital, there will be a huge bill to pay, too many questions to answer, and I don't know how I will be able to explain my disappearance to Thomas when I go home.

Yeah, despite everything that happened, I still plan on going back there. Where else would I go? I was stupid to think I could escape; I have just managed to put myself in a more complicated mess. I sigh and briefly open one eye. Yup, definitely a hospital room... Perhaps if I manage to flee without giving my name they will never know to whom to send the bill. I have no health insurance and I know from past experience that Thomas doesn't like to receive an invoice on my behalf, and he sure knows how to express his displeasure.

Yeah, I will just have to run away fast. I didn't have my wallet on me yesterday so there is no way they know my full name. I just hope I have recovered enough to do so. Well, there is only one way to find out, isn't there? I try to sit up but fall back on the bed, not because of the pain that shoots in my ass, but because of the deep voice that suddenly booms in the room.

"What do you think you're doing?" it says.

I know that voice of course. It's the one of the man who offered me his phone number. What is he still doing here? Did he stay all night in my room?

I open my eyes to look at Aiden, who is seated on a chair to my left. He is not dressed in the same hot leather pants he had yesterday so I guess he went back home at some point. His chocolate eyes are looking at me with what I think is concern, but I'm not really sure. Like Thomas always says, I'm such a bad judge of character.

"I have to get out of here," I whisper. "I don't have health insurance."

"I gathered as much," he replies. "That's why I am taking care of the bills."

"You can't! I will never be able to pay you back!"

"I know. Don't worry about it," he simply states.

Is he fucking kidding me? I wouldn't be surprised if it reaches several thousand dollars for the room. It could even go as high as a five-digit amount. What kind of person just randomly says to you that they will be paying your bill for you? Unless he expects me to repay him in another fashion. Considering what the guy does for a living, it wouldn't be surprising.

"If you think I'm going to reimburse you with sexual favors, think again!" I growl.

"There are no strings attached to my gift," he replies. "Besides, I'm hot, I don't need to pay for sex," he adds with a smirk.

It's true, he is sexy as fuck. Not that I would do anything, I still have a boyfriend, but it doesn't hurt to look.

"Why would you do that, then?" I ask him in a low voice.

There must be a reason, people just don't give away money randomly like this.

"Because I can!" he simply answers. "I just have a request for you to consider, but even if you don't follow it, I will still pay for your medical bills," he adds seriously.

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