Chapter 37: Broken

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Zach, Sat Mar 23rd 2013

Like every night at the club for the past week, I've thoroughly prepared, fixed my hair and oiled my body with care. I've knocked at Daddy's door, kneeled at attention in front of his desk, and asked if he would consider playing with me for the night. Like every night at the club for the past week, he refused and I managed to get out with my head high, before running to the nearest restrooms and breaking into silent sobs there.

Worthless, pathetic, good for nothing!

I can hear Thomas' voice throwing those insults at me while huge waves of self-loath crash into my chest, one after the other. I may act all crazy and confident, but each one of the rejections I endured last week deeply stung and it's becoming harder and harder to keep on trying. The new Zach has managed to stay in control for now but his fights against the old one are getting tougher and tougher, so I'm not sure how long he will keep on winning them. Or what is going to happen when the old Zach resurfaces.

This is all over now!

I think to myself desperately. One week, that's what I had managed to negotiate with all the other Subs. My plan was supposed to be perfect and everyone had been willing to play along nicely.

When I called Joe nine days ago and told him about my failed attempts at seducing my Daddy, he helped me bring the flirting to a whole new level. We devised a plan with three parts. First I'd make sure to ask him out in front of all his friends so that they could annoy the crap out of him after his refusal, and I really counted on Ethan there. Since they fought about his feelings for me, I was hoping to have an ally in him.

Then, I'd be sure to spend the whole night on the dancefloor, being the most sexy and alluring I could. When Daddy would leave the club, I'd arrange to be in the loft before him to wait, naked and kneeling, like the perfect Sub. This, coupled with the last part was supposed to drive him crazy with lust and eventually jump me during the course of a week.

This last piece only was possible with Joe's help. To be sure that Daddy stopped thinking with his head and used the other one down there, I had made it so he wouldn't get any release without yielding to my advances. Which meant getting all the Subs of the club on my side, and making them agree to refuse Daddy's advances for as long as it was necessary. One week was all I got, but I was so sure it would be enough! I mean, the man barely went one evening without having sex, how could he survive that long with the constant teasing?

Probably because you are so ugly it's really easy for him to ignore you.

I've lost track of how many times this thought has crept in my head. How many times I had to fight it, recalling the way Daddy's eyes darkened with lust each time he saw me, or the impressive bulge in his pants when I flirted with him. On the other hand, the horrible scar at the bottom of my chest doesn't help with that.

I remember how we pulled everyone together in the Sub's room and explained to them the whole problem. Joe and Porter told them how Daddy called them Baby during a scene, how he had confessed to them his love for me and I added the part where he stubbornly refused to play with me. Then I humbly asked if they could give me a bit of time during which none of them would accept a night with him and keep it a secret.

To say it caused an uproar would be an understatement. As much as the Subs' room is usually relaxed, this is Daddy we are talking about, and he is just sex on legs. Which means half the free Subs – if not more – would like to be the one he settles with. The discussion grew a bit animated, but fortunately, Joe and his friends had my back. It happens they had a bit of dirt on all the Subs who weren't on board with the plan, and the threat to expose them to Daddy was enough to keep them in check.

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