Chapter 35: What the new Zach wants

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Zach, Thu Mar 6th 2013

Gosh, this is the second time that I wake up in a hospital but there is no getting used to it. At least, I'm not dead. I may be feeling groggy and dizzy but I remember clearly the last thing that happened before I lost consciousness. I really thought that my last hour had arrived. Apparently, someone decided otherwise, for which I am so grateful.

I was so not ready to die! There are so many things I want to experience in life still! Simple things, like seeing a sunrise, gazing at the stars or hiking in the woods again. Grown-up things, like finishing my online courses, finally getting myself a real job on my own, being financially independent. Kinky things, like being woken up by a blowjob, double-penetrated, or trying all the single Doms at the club.

The point is, I still have a lot to do. Most of all, though, I want to try to be in love again. I want to be in a relationship that doesn't end badly. I want to feel my heart accelerate at the mere thought of a certain someone. I want the cuddles, the cheesy lines, the affection, the kisses, the corny things, all the romantic mumbo-jumbo. And I want the sex. Plenty of kinky and steamy hot sex.

I want to be with an alpha male that won't abuse me this time, one that can dominate me all he wants in a playroom, but that I can manipulate as I see fit outside of it. And I just happen to know the perfect candidate, can you believe my luck? He's completely smitten with me already and I'm willing to bet that he'll take great care of my little self because he basically did that for the last two months. He has the most gorgeous body I've ever laid my eyes on and I know from several reliable sources that he's one of the best in the sack. Could I ask for anything more?

I know I said I didn't want to be in a relationship but near-death experiences affect you and make you quickly change your mind and open your eyes to what is right in front of you. It was a bit ridiculous to prevent myself from falling for this man out of fear that I would be entrapped like I had been with Thomas when I basically have already given him complete control over my life. It's not like I have fallen in love with the man overnight, but I am willing to try now. I am willing to breach that dam and let those feelings flood me.

At least, I'll stop hurting him like I did before. I still can't believe I have been so oblivious and didn't realize that he was so infatuated with me. I've been such a self-centered idiot! The old Zach is rambling about how I should take all the pain that's sure to kick in when the meds wear off as my rightful punishment, and I solemnly swear to myself I won't ever miss something like this ever again. The new Zach will always pay close attention from now on! As for making it up to Daddy, I'm sure I will find plenty of ways once we begin to have sex.

Speaking of which, it's probably time to open my eyes. I'm sure he will be in my room, waiting for me to wake up. If I play my cards right, I might even get my first kiss from him today! How exciting is that? I'm not sure I'll be in any shape to have sex with him anytime soon, but I can be patient.

I slowly open one eyelid and see the familiar shape of my Daddy crouched in an armchair. As I expected he's here for me. Could he be any more perfect? Since he can't see, I shamelessly begin to eye-rape him. I want to run my hands in his messy brown hair, his stubble is so sexy it should be illegal and his tight tee-shirt hugs his hard abs and his pecs perfectly. I have seen his bare chest many times at the club, but never truly paid attention to it. Now I can't wait to see it again! That, and his monster. From what I've heard, he is extremely well endowed and has a piercing on his frenulum.

Before I can go further in my dirty thoughts, he opens his beautiful brown eyes. The usual mischievous light in them is completely dead, replaced by a dull emptiness. Jeez! Did he worry that much about me? When he sees I'm awake though, relief smooths his features in an instant. He's like a dead man coming back to life. And there it is, brief but unmistakable, the look of pure adoration. Nobody ever looked at me this way, not even Thomas during our best days. This is such an ego-boost, knowing that someone – not even anyone, but Daddy – would think so dearly of me.

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