Chapter 45: Punishment

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Zach, Thu Apr 4th 2013

How did it come to this? How could I do what I did to the man I love? Every single step that I took, leading me toward tonight, seemed natural at the time but how could I let things go this far? Shit, Daddy almost pulled out of our contract! This is the last thing I want! I don't know what he has in mind but I will take any punishment he gives as long as he forgives me.

It all began on Sunday morning. I wanted him to fuck my brains out but he said that I needed more rest. I tried to explain that I was good to go but he was adamant, explaining to me it was his role as my Dominant to make sure he didn't go over my physical limits, and that after the pounding I had gotten on Friday night, my butt was to be left alone for a few more days.

I tried to explain to him that Thomas had trained me to take it and then some, but that was not a very good idea. Instead, it launched Daddy into a long lecture about how he would not abuse my body like my ex did. That was very nice of him, but I didn't really care. True, my butt still stung a bit, but I was horny and I wanted a good fuck. Nothing I couldn't handle! Since he didn't give me what I wanted, I made sure to let him know I was displeased by being my worst bratty self the whole evening.

The next day, I tried a different approach. I spent the whole day trying to seduce him by hanging around naked, bending to show off my ass whenever I was sure he was looking. That worked in the sense that he asked me several times to blow him or give him a handjob. He promised the sweetest rewards in exchange, but none of them included me getting fucked senseless so I refused. Even humping his leg all night long like a horny dog didn't make him yield.

So on Tuesday, I tried something else. Perhaps I could coax Daddy into a punishment fuck. I made sure to piss him off deeply, by purposely disobeying his order and not meeting him at his spot like I was supposed to. That worked like a charm, and the next thing knew, I was bent over his lap and getting a rough spanking. The logical conclusion should have been a hard pounding but of course, Daddy just had to punish me more and instead of that, I spent the entire evening kneeling in a corner of his office.

I hated the whole thing so much I entered Wednesday in a very pissed mood. Then I discovered that my package with Daddy's dog tags had been delivered to a wrong address, all the way up in the Bronx! How the fuck does that happen? Between that and the fact I ended up blocked in a subway for more than an hour because some dummy had decided to take a walk on the tracks, I spent the whole afternoon to retrieve them.

Of course, Daddy was upset when he found out, but since I was in a shitty mood as well, I didn't tell him where I went. I didn't want to give him his 'collar' before I got fucked so I couldn't really explain to him what I did, could I? My smart mouth got me into deep trouble though, because I saw how angry he was at me.

It was a stupid thing blown out of proportions, really. And I'm sure he would have found super cute the fact I spent the afternoon getting something for him, so if I had swallowed my pride and made the first step, we would probably have made out. Instead, I got a severe lecture on my behavior which was completely deserved, and when I got home that night, I resolved to be a better Baby. I did the stupid lines he asked of me and caught up on all the work I should have done during the afternoon.

So today I really was a good boy! I was polite, worked out without complaining – how often does that happen? – and made sure to catch up with all my online classes. After spending the whole afternoon working, I joined Daddy in his office at the exact time he had requested and made the effort to kneel by his side.

During dinner, I was disappointed he was still a bit cold with me and didn't even let me take a seat with them, but I put that on the fact he was still a bit upset and I was willing to make some efforts to redeem myself.

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