Chapter 59: The other Master Dom

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Aiden, Sat Jun 22nd 2013

"Hey Aaron," I say to the man who comes into my office and pulls me in for a tight hug. That man and his bear hugs! "It's good to see you again!"

"You too, Aiden! How has it been since last year?" he asks.

Aaron is the Master Dom of a club similar to mine in Chicago. We met each other three years ago because our common supplier of Saint-Andrew crosses is located near New York City. Aaron visits him occasionally, and to mix pleasure with business, spends a night at the Blue Hedonism during those trips. For a kinky men like him and I, the notion of getting to meet several dozens of new Subs is very attractive.

I remember the fun evening I had at the Black Diamond a year and a half ago. It was a nice and warm comfort during the harsh Chicago winter! I was in the middle of designing the plans for the Blue Phoenix so I wanted to see exactly how my friend's club was organized. It gave me a few useful ideas. On his end, Aaron had a lot of fun with Joe a year ago.

"Pretty good! The new Blue Phoenix is doing well, and the Blue Hedonism is still nicely growing," I reply with a smile. "Come, I'll show you around!"

We chat animatedly as we walk together in the deserted main rooms of the two clubs, mostly catching up on what happened in our lives last year. Aaron had a few one-month contracts with newly certified Subs, like he often does. He has never been one for long-term relationships, but contrary to me who used to stick to one-night stands, he likes to guide young guys in their first steps into BDSM. Then I tell him all about my Baby, how I met him a few months ago and how he changed my life.

"Too bad! You were a worthy opponent but it sounds like it's the end of our contest," he jokes.

We have this little bet on the number of Subs each of us tasted and laughed when we realized we were at a tie.

"Don't be so sure because my Baby doesn't mind sharing!" I laugh. "He spent last month bringing new Subs in my playroom... Sometimes several of them the same night!"

"Kinky!" he exclaims with a smirk.

"Of course, it's also because he was on the mend. His mouth and asshole were closed for refurbishing as he said," I reply.

I explain to Aaron how he was hurt and had a tongue piercing that needed to be healed.

"And does he only like to share with other Subs?" he asks with a smug smile. "Often, they prefer to have the attention of two Doms at the same time."

"Oh, tell me about it, that boy is addicted to threesomes with two Doms," I answer. "Sometimes more than three," I add remembering that crazy night a week ago.

After the nightmares he had last month, I had realized my Baby wasn't really over what happened on New Year's Eve. I couldn't really think of another way to make him forget that bad memory than replacing it with a nicer one. That's why I planned the little gangbang with nine other Doms, all of those being men he had already played with before. I hoped by recognizing familiar faces who would remind him of intense scenes he loved he wouldn't freak out when he found out.

I couldn't tell him in advance or he would have overthought the whole thing and probably panicked the few days before. No, it needed to be a surprise. I was hoping that in the end, his lust when he saw the ten of us bare-chested and ready to play, plus the two couples that were just here to enjoy the show, would overcome his fear and his bad memories.

And I was right! He tensed at first, when we entered the showroom, but a few well-chosen words soothed him and he accepted to try. I had forewarned the Doms I had selected of his limits – that they already knew in any case – and to be particularly gentle in the beginning. That's also why I had William prepare my Baby and no other. He was the participant my boy trusted the most after me, and I think I was more useful whispering encouragements and massaging his back than stretching his asshole.

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