Chapter 9: A hellish New Year's Eve

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Zach, Mon Dec 31st 2012

Why am I still here? While everyone around the world is celebrating the beginning of a New Year I try to retreat at the back of my mind, in my happy place, and shut down the stimuli my body is sending to me. Pain. Choking. Nausea. I have never endured something as horrible as what is happening to me right now. I just wish it would stop. Even if it means death, I want it to stop.


I couldn't do it in the end. As soon as Aiden answered my call the other day, I immediately hung up. I chickened out one part of my brain says, while the other decided to give Thomas one last chance. The next time something terrible happens, I decided, I would call again. But he seemed genuinely sorry for what he did that night, and had promised to make up for it! Perhaps that would be a wake-up call for him to change his behavior toward me!

And he did! That night, when he came back from his parents, he said he loved me very much. That was the first time in months! He brought me the gifts his parents had bought for me, some cool clothes and a cookbook, kissed me deeply and laid on against me in the bed. We cuddled for a long time, his gentle caresses becoming naughtier and naughtier, until he finally gave me a wonderful hand job! It had been such a long time I think all the neighbors heard me orgasming.

The rest of the week was the just the best: he was back to his gentle and caring self. True, there still was the Master/Pet names and his ugly collar, but I can compromise on that as long as he is affectionate. He helped me a bit with my chores and didn't get upset when I messed up with my usual clumsiness. Instead, he would playfully remark on it, gently slapping my butt or getting a blowjob out of it. He didn't bring up the whole eating on the floor thing again.

But best of all, we cuddled and kissed again! In the evenings, for instance, he just made me kneel between his thighs before pulling me into his lap. He let my poor butt heal for the rest of the week, only enjoying my mouth. I didn't get him to reciprocate but I got a few hand jobs. He introduced a new kind of game where I had to ask for his permission before coming and trained me with holding back my climax as much as I could. That was a lot of fun!

That's why I don't regret my decision to stay! Seriously, how could I even consider leaving him? Sure he has his flaws, but nobody is perfect, and he is the love of my life. The marks on my neck have almost faded, my voice is now back to normal and the pain in my butt has completely receded, so all the signs that horrible night happened will soon disappear. Then, we will just focus on being a happy couple again. If last year was the year everything went astray, we will make sure the one coming will be the year we put everything back together!

"What are you thinking about, Pet?" he whispers in my ear, his back pressed against me and his arms circling around me.

"About how much I love you, Master," I reply honestly.

He turns me around and pins me against the counter to take a passionate kiss that leaves both of us very hard.

"Do you feel how much you turn me on, Pet?" he asks huskily.

"Yes, Master!" I pant.

I can definitely feel his erection grind against my belly.

"I think we have a bit of time to play before our guests arrive if you are in the mood, Pet," he says.

"Yes! Please, Master," I reply.

"Strip and kneel, Pet!"

I was only wearing boxer briefs in any case because he prefers to see me like this and it's quite warm in the kitchen. I toss them off and kneel before him as he slowly opens his pants.

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