Chapter 50: Dealing with guilt

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Aiden, Sat Apr 27th 2013

"We are in a pretty good place right now," Ethan explains to me as we wait for our Subs in our usual seat on the couches. "Now that he has learned to behave, I don't have to punish him every other day so we can actually enjoy scenes. He is doing much better in his submission as well, so I can do a bit more intense things."

I would have said the same just yesterday night with my own Baby, but he had to piss me off. Just because I refused to tell him who joined in our little public threesome yesterday, he has decided to sulk and skip dinner with us. Little does he know I've instructed Nathan and Alexander to text all the Subs I couldn't reach that were here to keep their trap shut. That should serve him right.

"What I am the proudest of," my best friend continues, "is how he's pulling himself together. Since he accepted that his old friends were only wanting him to go back to dealing and he has severed ties with them, he has been really serious about quitting drugs and going back to his studies. I'm trying to land him a spot at Columbia. I know the Dean and he owes me a few favors."

Like I thought, he has done an amazing job with the lost baby Keith used to be. I can tell the boy is way more respectful now, I just hope Ethan doesn't crush his personality. Although Keith has a strong will, so maybe I shouldn't be too worried about that.

I'm pretty proud of what I've done with my Baby as well. True he isn't going to some fancy university, but he will graduate his online courses this summer, and start his freelance business just after. With his talent, I'm sure he will be quite successful as long as he isn't too lazy. In any case, I'll always be there to kick his ass if he needs it.

"So things are going fairly well," Ethan adds. "Honestly, I would have thought he'd get out of the contract in the first month, but he held on and now... I don't know... he might be the one!"

I would have made a gagging noise if I heard this kind of speech before, but since then, my Baby happened. Still, I don't fully buy it. I always knew that I was madly in love with Zach, even before we were in any kind of relationship. I wanted to avoid it, but it was there nonetheless. Ethan seems too hesitant in his choice of words. Either Keith is his special boy or he isn't but there is no in-between.

"Who is the one?" William intervenes as he sits with us.

"Ethan and Keith are all lovey-dovey," I chuckle, which makes my friend roll his eyes.

"At least we keep the making out and the fucking private," Ethan grumbles.

"You really should learn to knock on doors," I reply dismissively. "Besides I didn't hear anyone complaining about seeing us having sex last night," I add with a smirk.

"Oh that was a nice scene," William praises. "I had Porter on my lap and he was so excited he came with me barely touching him. I spent the rest of the night sweetly punishing him, it was great!"

"Yeah it was hot," Ethan continues. "I had five rounds in the swing with Keith after and it barely calmed his horniness."

"Are we talking about last night?" Tanner asks as he sits down next to William.

"Yes we are, and please don't make any comments in Zach's hearing because I don't want him to know who fucked him last night," I warn him.

I know how much my sadist friend likes to brag.

"I won't say a word!" he chuckles. "But it was certainly something."

"I wonder how you managed to have him come on stage with a leash," William continues. "He isn't the type to like that!"

"He can be meek and obedient when properly motivated," I reply.

Our discussion is cut short by the arrival of Alexander, who almost runs to where we are seated.

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