Chapter 43: Kinky corny love

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Zach, Sat Mar 30th 2013

It feels like I'm floating out of my own body when I wake up. Like I'm on the softest bed, laying on the fluffiest pillow. Is that heaven? Opening my eyes, I see I'm in Daddy's bedroom – or should I say our bedroom, now? – snuggled against his side. Weird, I don't remember going back there yesterday night. The only thing I remember is how I was flying high and free while Daddy and William were both pounding into me. It was by far the best sexual experience in my entire life!

I harden when I recall clearly how the evening began. The sight of those two Doms, one thrusting in the other who was taking me will be forever engraved in my mind. That was so hot! The fact that William is almost as good a fuck as Daddy clearly helped, as well. Then I was a bit afraid when Daddy wanted me to try the bench again. The memories of the last time I was tied to one were still very vivid in my mind, and I didn't want any of them to resurface.

I almost panicked when I bent over it, but Daddy and William were both extremely gentle. They didn't attach me to it at first, which was a very good idea. Then William's massage and Daddy's soothing words eventually relaxed me to the point I was able to let lust overtake me. I wanted those two alpha males to take me at the same time. On top of this, they had promised they wouldn't stop using me even if I went into Subspace and I couldn't wait to experience that.

Jeez, they did not disappoint! In no time I was flying high in my own space and my recollections of what happened after the first time they came are completely blurry. I just know that they did not stop for a long time and that I eventually had an orgasm with the same force as an earthquake. Then Daddy must have taken care of me and carried me here because I can't remember going back to the loft.

That man is just so perfect! What he did for me last night definitely deserves a wake-up blowjob and going back to the events that occurred in my head made me very horny so I slowly make my way down between his muscular legs. Shit! Moving definitely makes me wince, but the soreness in my butt is not as strong as I thought it would be. I guess Daddy must have done something to make it better, which is another reason for his little reward.

His cock doesn't stay flaccid for very long when I take it in my mouth and very soon, I can only swallow half of it. Still, if the groans I'm hearing are any indication, I'm doing something right! I let my tongue play with the familiar piercing each time I bob up and let it run against its length when I go down, using my hand to stroke the part I can't fit in my mouth at the same pace.

He must be a bit drained from last night, or he just decided to use all his self-control to enjoy my attentions, since it takes a very long time before he spills his juices. I don't care, I love him so much I could blow him all day long.

Love. It may be because I'm still on my sexual high, but I am now sure that I love this man like I never loved anyone before. Its foundation is a huge slab of trust. I know I can trust him more than I trust myself, which is saying something. Then pillars of gentleness, care, affection alternate with the multiple floors of hotness and sex, building this huge temple that represents my feelings for Daddy.

When he does give me my morning milk, I keep what I can in my mouth – I've gotten better at this so it's almost all his release this time – before he pulls me up to him and gives me a sweet deep kiss, greedily drinking his saltiness. Gosh! On top of everything else, he is such a good kisser and I moan deeply as I grind my erection against his lower chest.

Let's focus on the important part for a bit though! I break the kiss and stare intently at him, my hands on his shoulders. His chocolate eyes have a mixed expression, between curiosity and amusement.

"I love you, Daddy!" I softly state.

He gasps and I can see bewilderment then adoration on his face. I put a finger on his mouth when he begins to reply, shushing him before I finish.

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