Chapter 46: Lesson learned

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Aiden, Sun Apr 14th 2013

My Baby has been on his best behavior for the past week. As much as I love his mischievous side, having him respectful, attentive and perfectly obedient to the few orders I give him is refreshingly nice. He followed me without any complaint to the gym, didn't miss any of his online classes, and all his homework came back with top grades.

The best part about his submission has been in our bedroom or in the playroom – at the club since the construction for the one in the loft has barely begun. His desire to please me has made him more patient and relaxed, which allowed me to take our suspension play to another level. I'm not a huge fan of rope bondage like William is, preferring a good old-fashioned harness with chains to hang my Sub from the ceiling.

The most interesting positions request total trust from the Sub, and he must learn to work with the restraints and not against them during the whole play, to avoid straining his muscles, and it can be difficult if he starts to panic. I have been slowly training my baby into those, and I hope he'll be good enough for us to do a public demonstration in the coming weeks. I have performed my fair share of scenes in front of an audience with other Subs, but I'm sure the first time with my Baby will be way more intense!

Of course, I know the reason behind this perfect behavior, a mix of guilt and the hell of a punishment he got from Tanner. While my sadistic friend was torturing my Baby, I was listening to everything from my own playroom. Tanner's private playroom is one of the few where the sound is recorded on top of the video camera every such room has. I don't let the sociopath wander in my club without precautions, and security always listens when a scene he does looks particularly intense.

So I was witnessing the whole thing from my laptop. I almost got up to put an end to the scene several times, and punch my friend along the way... How he was mentally torturing my Baby was just so intense! I somehow managed to hold up until the end we had agreed on. Tanner was disappointed I didn't let him fuck my Baby, he had to make do with his right hand, but there was no way I would let another Dom take him after what happened.

It's funny how my Baby instantly recognized who was thrusting inside him, even if he was blindfolded. I reassured him that I had not been with other Subs while he was being punished, that it was just Tanner messing with his head. After a sweet and strong orgasm, we both retreated to my playroom, where I made sure the lesson had sunk in. I don't mind most of the mischief my Baby does but going with another man without my permission is completely unacceptable!

I haven't consented to another threesome since then. My Baby didn't ask for one immediately, of course, but after a bit more than a week, he was a bit more insistent yesterday night. He only pouted when I refused. If I know him well though, he will soon begin to annoy the crap out of me to get one. Since I want to see what he learned from his last punishment, I'm not going to give him what he wants immediately; let's see if he is going to play one of his games first.

He didn't react by sulking and being a brat, which is a very nice change! It would have been particularly painful today because my parents visited us for lunch. He even helped a bit with setting the table and the dishes, which is pretty rare from him.

The meal went as well as could be expected, between my Baby and my mom. For some reason, they get along extremely well and spent the whole time talking about me as if I wasn't there, my boy happily feeding my mom with all kinds of information she didn't need to know. Dad was as mellow as ever and happy to ignore all the graphic details my Baby was sharing.

I couldn't be more lucky to have two parents so understanding though. They never judged my way of life or my sexuality. When I introduced Zach as my Submissive at the beginning of the lunch, they just congratulated us, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. They warmly accepted my boy as part of the family and told him as much, making him shed a tear.

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