Chapter 41: Friends and family

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Zach, Wed Mar 27th 2013

There is only one word to describe the past few days: happiness. I hadn't realized how unhappy I was during most of my time with Thomas until now, since I have an actual comparison point. What I thought was happiness at that time is just a shadow of how I'm feeling now. This sentiment of being so carefree and that anything is possible. This contentment, feeling that every desire I have is sated. Sex, of course, but also love and affection.

Six years ago, I was worrying about where I would sleep whereas now I have a place to stay, indefinitely. I didn't know what I would study and do with my life, now I have an online course, a plan that Daddy will check I follow. I won't become helpless again, he'll help me get a regular income, even if I'm working from home.

Six years ago, I couldn't see it but the first signs of what was to become of Thomas and I as a couple were already there. What I thought was perfect love was already spoiled by his selfishness and his sometimes abusive authority. Now I'm amazed by how neatly Daddy cares for me. How he notices every single detail that concerns me, puts my needs first and doesn't misuse the power I gave him. The contract he wrote for our relationship is a perfect example of that.

I was scared he would go for the kind of long-term agreement were the Dom basically has control of everything his Sub does. Not necessarily as extreme as Ethan and Keith, but still, something along those lines. As much as I like submitting to him when we have sex, I like my freedom outside of the club way too much. What Daddy proposed was just the right balance between the authority he wants to have over me and my need for independence. The way he had already thought about smart goals or included my limits was a very nice touch as well.

But most of all, the huge difference between back then and now is the sex. Frankly, it's as if I never did anything before I met Daddy. He is not called a Sex God in the Subs' room for nothing! In just a few days I have become completely addicted to his touches or the orgasms he gives me. If we could, I'd gladly spend our days having sex... too bad we have to do boring things like work or eat.

So, since I made him yield on last Saturday, I feel so happy. For some reason, I feel safer as well. Especially since we signed the contract. The fact he is watching over me – even more than before – seems to be the only thing I was waiting before going more into a rebellious phase. I know he's not going to turn his back on me, no matter what crazy shit I do. I trust him to love me through my mistakes. And to discipline me with sexy punishments, but that's just an added bonus.

The only bad point, for now, is his obsession with working out. I hate that so much! I understand his point: he wants me to look healthier and put on some muscles, which is only fair, and he wants to be sure I build the stamina necessary for the kind of play we indulge in. Though I think I'm not too bad on that second account.

Anyway, I went willingly on Monday since we had just signed the contract and he had promised me a steamy hot night in exchange. When he woke me up one hour earlier this morning to go to the gym, I was not so amenable. I blatantly refused and stayed in bed which earned me a wake-up with a glass of cold water, then a spanking when I yelled at him. I've been sulking ever since of course, because who does that? This was so out of proportion! Even if I love having sex with him so much, this man is going to get blue balls tonight.

"Are you still mad at me, Baby?" he asks, as if on cue.

"Yes!" I pout.

"You know I was only making you respect your part of the contract you signed," he says gently.

"I don't care, it was mean!" and hot if we just consider the spanking, but I won't tell him that.

The way he bent me over the table, one of his powerful hands holding my head in place while his other lowered my pants and boxer briefs was just soooooo sexy! He was a bit violent because I may or may not have refused to comply with his first order to present him my bare butt. What can I say, I love to push his buttons! And I loved every second of being manhandled by him, even if he didn't restrain his strength in any way for the fifteen blows he administered. The best part was how gentle he was when he put some soothing cream on me afterward.

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