'her' Seokjin's Notes °2 March Year 19°

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2 March

(First day of school in spring)
I followed my father into the principal's office. I'd just returned back from America and today is my tenth day back in Korea.

The principal called me into his office because I had to go down a grade due to the different schooling in America.

"Please take care of him," my dad said, patting my shoulders as I shivered.

"Since this school is dangerous, there is a need to obey and have control over the students," the principal said, keeping his intimidating eyes on me as he spoke.

Every time he spoke, his chin wobbled and his red chapped lips made him look like a devil. He scared me.

"Please tell me Jin won't think of my school as a little too dangerous?"

I could feel my father's grip on my shoulder tighten as I thought of how to answer the principal's sudden and direct question.

I clenched my fist to keep in the pain that was spreading throughout my shoulder, feeling cold sweat form on my back and my neck.

"You need to answer me, Seokjin, regardless of whether you're a good student or not. Though, you do need to be a good student."
The principal waited expectantly for my answer.

"Yes," I said quickly, the tension immediately released from my frame as my father released his painful grip.

My father and the principal laughed and shook hands as we walked out the office of the devil principal.
I looked down at the brown shoes of my father and the black ones of the principal, watery glitter filling my sight.

I was scared of the light...I didn't want the adults to see me cry and I certainly didn't want them to think I was weak either