'answer' Jungkook's Notes °11 April Year 22°

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Year 22
11 April

I walked on the railing of the roof.
It was an abandoned building with its construction suspended.
When I put my foot out into the air,
evening light was replaced with darkness.

Nightlife was waking up beneath the railing.
Neon signs blinked, car horns beeped,
and dust swirled in the darkness.

For a moment I felt dizzy and began to wobble.
I opened my arms to keep my balance.

Then I thought....
It was just one step....
If I take one more step, it would all be over.

If I leaned a little more into the darkness...
the darkness that started at the tip of my feet.

I closed my eyes.
The bustling nightlife...
the city...
my fears....
They all disappeared.

I he,d my breath.
I slowly leaned over.

I didn't  think of anything.
I didn't think of anyone.
I didn't want to leave anything behind.

I wouldn't remember anything.

Just like this it would all stop.

It was at this moment my phone rang.
I snapped back into reality as if I'd just woke up from a very realistic dream.
All my messed up emotions came back.

I took out my phone from my back pocket.
It was Yoongi Hyung.