'answer' Yoongi's Notes ° 11 April Year 22°

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11 April
Year 22

I walked, not really caring about Jungkook's coming situation.
Containers followed the long stretch of railroad tracks.

"It's the fourth container from behind,"
Jungkook said.
"Namjoon and Taehyung are meeting me here,"
he added.

"I know," I replied.
I wasn't really going to go.

It was disgusting to get involved with other people.
That fact was set in stone.
I would've never thought I'd get as far as
to come with Jungkook to this place.

As Hoseok opened the door from inside,
he looked surprised.
When I saw Jungkook behind me,
I assumed that I was crossing over as a person who over exaggerated.

I side stepped past the two and walked inside the container.
I heard the gentle voices of Jungkook and Hoseok
trying to coax me into staying for a while.

Within minutes Namjoon brought Taehyung.
His T-shirt was torn.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked,
squeezing Taehyung's shoulder.

"I'm late because I got caught by a police officer.
I ran away," Taehyung explained.

Everyone could see Taehyung was
nervous that the T-shirt had been torn.

Namjoon gave Taehyung a new T-shirt to put on
as he put burgers and drinks on a tray.
The rest of us stood around awkwardly,
not knowing what to do with ourselves.

I remembered when we were back in high school,
Namjoon was teased.
We used to say he'd become an older version of Taehyung.

Jungkook moved to the city.
We didn't know any other details besides that at the time.

There weren't so many occasions when we'd
all to been in the same room together.
I don't really remember well.

It wasn't like what had happened with Seokjin and Jimin.
When Seokjin had snitched on Jimin to the principal and
they'd fought in the classroom after school.

We'd all been there that time too.

Even though this is our first peaceful gathering we'd had
in years I was strangely comfortable