'tear' Hoseok's Notes °4 July Year 22°

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Year 22
4 July

While they applied emergency assistance, I walked into the corridor.
Despite the fact that it was already well into the evening,
many people were at the hospital,
pacing up and down the corridors.

Water dripped from my hair and I was drenched in rainwater and sweat.
As I ruffled my hair between my fingers to try
and get rid of the water, I dropped the kid's bag.

Coins, pens and tissues scattered across the floor.
In the midst of all the items was a plane ticket.
I picked it up and inspected it.

"Jung Hoseok?" The doctor called.
I looked up, seeing the kid walk out behind the doctor.
"Your friend is alright. He has a light concussion.
Besides that, he's quite alright."

"It hurts a little bit," he said, taking his bag from me.

He didn't fail to notice his plane ticket
poking out the side of his bag.
I quickly turned the bag around as I gave
it to him, ignoring his gaze.

As we came to the entrance I noticed that
rain was still pouring down outside.
We stood next to each other by the
door, watching the rain fall.

"Hoseok-ah," Jimin said as I started to leave.

When I turned back to look at him,
he seemed desperate to say something.

"Wait for me and hold that thought.
I'm going to quickly go and buy an umbrella."
I quickly went inside without another thought
and went to the small corner store to purchase one. 

I knew that recently that kid, Jimin,
had auditioned for an international
dance team.

He'd ordered a plane ticket.
He'd been accepted.

I didn't want to heart what he had to say.
I didn't have the courage to cheer him on
and congratulate him.