'answer' Jungkook's Notes °28 May Year 19°

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Year 19
28 May
(Part 1)

"What are your dreams, Hyungs?" I asked.
My hyungs  looked back at me.
"I need to write a research paper about the future," I mumbled.

Seokjin Hyung spoke first.
"I do not think I have any dreams.
Maybe I just want to be a good person..."
Seokjin Hyung trailed off in embarrassment.

Then, Yoongi Hyung spoke.
He was lying on a piano chair.

He said in a gentle voice, "It's okay if you don't have a dream.
I don't have a dream either. I'll just be a nobody."

Everyone laughed at Yoongi Hyung's words.

"I'm going to be a superhero."
Taehyung Hyung stood up on his chair and
stroke a pose, as if he were going to fly.
Hoseok Hyung held his arm.
"If you don't get down you're going to
fall and get hurt, Taehyung."

"I want to find my mother and live happily," Hoseok Hyung added.
"To be happy will be my dream."

"So, does that mean you are unhappy now, Hoseok?"
It was Jimin Hyung who asked that.

Hoseok frowned, and seemed to really think about Jimin's question.
"Is that how it works?"

"What is your dream?"
I asked Jimin Hyung.

"What is your dream? Me?"
Jimin Hyung looked embarrassed.

"I wanted to be a president in kindergarten,
but now I don't know what I want to do," he confessed.