'tear' Jungkook's Notes °2 May Year 22°

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Year 22
2 May

I lifted my eyes to find Namjoon Hyung in front of the container.
He opened the door and went inside and collected the bundles of clothing on the floor, piling them on himself as a blanket.
The door closed.

It was cold. I started to shake.
I wanted to cry. So badly.
But I wasn't strong enough to even do that.

I went to the door and opened it, revealing Yoongi Hyung
standing on top of a bed, the train of the sheet in flames.
Fury swallowed me whole as I took in the sight before me.

I'm not the kind of person to speak well when in
trying emotional circumstances such as this one.
Showing my emotions and coming across as persuasive
were both awkward for me.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I coughed.
The room was filled with smoke.
The sheet was now consumed by the fire.
It had become extremely hard to speak.

Finally, words passed my lips in a shout as I ran through the flames to Yoongi:
"You said we'd all go to the sea together!"


"Hey, are you having a nightmare or something?"
Namjoon was shaking my shoulder roughly as I opened my eyes.
"Why are you like this?"

Relief washed over me.
Hyung put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently.
"Jungkook-ah, you have a fever."

As soon as he'd mentioned it,
I noticed my mouth was abnormally hot.
Besides my mouth, everything else felt extremely cold.
My throat hurt and my head throbbed with an intense headache.

"Get some more sleep and we'll talk later," Namjoon Hyung assured me
as he gave me medicine to ease the effects.
I could barely swallow the medicine he gave me.

Before he left, I forced myself to speak, my throat's pain intensifying as my head throbbed louder in my ears.
"Will I ever be able to become a proper adult like you, Hyung?"

Namjoon only turned back to face me, giving me no other answer but silence.

I hope you're enjoying the new translations.
They're even more sad than L. O. V. E.
But 'tear' is supposed to be the era of 'a couple' breaking up.
So I guess we just have to pull through to see better days ❤️