'her' Jungkook's Notes °11 April Year 22°

9.7K 304 82

11 April

Finally, I could get my revenge...

I bumped into the bullies as they walked past me, punching one of them, knocking him out. One of the others hit me, but I smiled as I hit him back.

"You're crazy!" he shouted, wiping the blood from off of his chin.

Their words faded into the distance as they ran away.

I look up to the sky, feeling as if I could relate to it in a way, being abandoned so easily in the vast expanse of blue...

As tears begin to form , I laugh bitterly, memories flashing through my mind as I closed my eyes:

My stepfather crying...
My brother rolling around on the floor with uncontrollable laughter...
My parents talking to relatives about me as if I wasn't there when in reality I was standing right next to them...

As these thoughts came to my attention, I realized that my mother saw me as an embarrassment when we visited with family...

Now as I opened my eyes, the memories leaving weight on my chest, I collapsed.

The bullies had hit me hard enough for me to lose consciousness...


I woke up on the floor, coughing as I accidentally inhaled the dust on the ground. My whole body hurt as I slowly got up, finally successfully making my way to the construction site.

I fell down onto the roof of the half finished building, looking out at the night life in the city. On other nights, the view was beautiful, but after today's events, it looked terrible in my eyes.

I climbed over the safety railings and stood on the edge of the building with my arms outstretched, losing my balance as a strong gust of wind blew past me, causing my legs to shake.

It could end right here if I took one more step...I thought...if I die this'll be all over...and guess what? , no one will even miss me if I decide to die tonight...

They won't care...

Kookie, we care!
I swear, this boy has the saddest one of them all!
cold it be that instead of car hitting Kookie, he could've attempted suicide?

Maybe he's in the wheelchair because he fell off the building?
I don't even know anymore!
What do you guys think?