Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

I do not know what is going on in Alex's head, honestly she is so hard to figure out. She is so hard to read.

"C'mon mate stop that." Niall spoke sounding irritated

"Stop what?"

"Being so upset, you've never been this upset like this because of a girl before..." Niall answered

"It's because he actually cares for Alex." Zayn smiled chiming in.

Zayn's really the sensitive one, he knows how I feel.

Niall simply shrugged as he sat beside me.

Zayn sat across Niall and I as they both looked at me expectantly.

"She's been avoiding me. The last proper conversation I ever had with her was when I asked her to be mine, to be my girlfriend." Niall and Zayn looked at each other shocked

"Harry Styles asking someone to be his girlfriend?! Girlfriend? Commitment?? " Niall gasped in disbelief

Rolling my eyes I threw the couch pillow hitting him straight in his face.

Zayn ignored Niall's comment as he asks "So I'm assuming she said no?"

I shook my head "no, she did not say yes or no, her brother interrupted us and from then on whenever I text her she replies with one word or sometimes not at all. She doesn't answer my calls and when I visit the substation she always have to go somewhere or do the inventory or something."

It's true It's clear that she's been avoiding me.

I don't understand why.

Niall patted my back as he spoke "I'm sorry mate but maybe she really doesn't see you in that way?"

"No, she do feel the same way, I know it. She kissed back so many times and she admits that she can't stop being near me too."

Okay maybe she did not EXACTLY said that but she did kissed me when I told her she kept on kissing me back though she said that i'm annoying.

"Now that's quite confusing." Zayn said as Niall and I nodded

"Maybe, you should talk to Liam and Louis they knew Alex way back before right? " Zayn suggested

"Why don't you ask Louis? You lads are really close and Louis is really close with Alex too right?" Niall said.

He's right.

But, honestly... I don't really want to admit it.

But, I don't know..

I have never been this way before to anyone ever.

How should I put it...

Let me put it this way.

Since Alex I felt like I started to be quite territorial, in other words
What's mine is mine or in a much simpler term I get JEALOUS too much and so fast, but that never happened to me before.

I know Louis is my friend and that he knows how I feel for Alex but I still can't help it. Especially before he was so over protective with Alex when i tried making some moves or flirting with Alex.

It made me think that he might have a slight crush on Alex, but maybe I'm just being too malicious.

Niall and Zayn started talking about going to some club for the night since it's friday. but honestly It's like I'm already tired of it.

I'm over the parties and one night stands and drinks. My mind is consumed by Alex, It had been her for almost two months now, and It's driving me crazy that she's ignoring me.

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