Chapter 24

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Alex's POV

I bit my lip as I wiped my tears away, I zapped myself back to the lair to get away, as far as I possibly could from Harry.

As soon as I zapped in the lair I let myself fall on the couch.

What just happened?

Yesterday Harry and I are the happiest couple, well for me at least. I never saw this coming, I never thought that this night he will come up with that question and just push everything like that.

I remember just yesterday he was feeding me his delicious cupcakes, he made just for me making Niall and Louis pout for he only made it for me, but of course being Niall and Louis they still managed to get one for themselves.

I remember just this morning he called me to wake me up like he usually does. There really was no sign or whatsoever that we will come to this point.

I know we would come to this point, we could never run away from this topic no matter how hard we try, I just didn't expected it to be this sudden.

I felt tears started streaming down my face and I just let them. Until I felt a hand on my shoulders rubbing them softly as that person behind me spoke.

"Mija..." A soft voice trying to sound like a girl spoke, only my mom calls me Mija but I am 100% sure this is not my mom, cause' my mom is in a convention she's gone for the next three days.

I turned around to find Max looking at me symphatetically.

"Max?!" I asked in shock as I quickly wiped my tears away.

"And why the hell are you trying to be mom?!"

He sat down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders " Mija, is it about a boy?" Max asked in the same voice he used earlier, still trying to be like Mom.

I furrowed my brows in confusion but I did not pushed anything, I am to out of my myself to deal with my brother's weirdness, so I'll probably just let him be his weird self.

"It's Harry." I sighed.

Max shook his head softly like a disappointed mother. "What happened? Tell me Mija." He spoke oh so lovely.

I gotta admit this is getting weirder and weirder but just like what I said, I'm too broken to even try to get him to leave. What's the worst thing he can do anyway? Annoy me? Yeah probably but that doesn't even come close to how hurt I am right now.

"It's a long story... We broke up." I managed to choke out as tears threaten to fall once again.

This took Max in surprise as he backed away, his eyes widened "WHAT? Really?" His voice returning back to normal.

I raised my brow questioning his sudden change of voice and expression. He coughed and returned his expression to the one which he is trying to copy mom.

"What? Really?" He softly asked back into a motherly voice.

Finally having enough, I stood up "Yeah really, now go spread the word." I spoke my voice full of sarcasm, but knowing Max he probably wouldn't even get a hint that I am being sarcastic.

I made my way to the portal door to go to one of my favorite places in wizard world to just get my mind off things.

"Where are we going?" Max asked as he followed me

I reached for the portal door and turned to Max "I'm going somewhere you don't know while You're staying here to cover up for me."

"Wait Alex! What am I supposed to say to Dad?! "

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