Chapter 29

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Alex’s POV

It’s been 2 weeks and surprisingly everything is going good. Well, minus the part that Harry hadn’t texted me or called me. Maybe because my phone is always off, I don’t know or simply maybe because he moved on. I heard from Ashley that the boys are now busy recording new songs and still writing some more- maybe he realised that I’m not worth his time. He is a pop star anyway; He’s got a huge career to think of and spend his time on. I’m obviously not worth it and nothing compared to whatever he’s achieving in life. (Though my beauty is priceless.) That thought hurts but I guess I just gotta wrap it up, put on the bandage and remove it, move on as well.

Maybe it is better this way, right?

“Are you sure you’ll be alright by yourself? Should I ask Mason to stay with you?” I asked Max as I grabbed my paintings and my purse. 

Yesterday, an guy named Edward e-mailed me saying that he wants to buy all the painting I posted online. I have to thank Ashley for it was her idea to put my paintings online for sale, at first I was hesitant for who would look for paintings in the internet? I didn’t think my painting would get any attention but then it turned out that Ashley’s a genius.

“Of course I’ll be alright, and I don’t need a baby sitter Alex- I’m 17 now.” Max answered, not removing his gaze from the tv.

“Oh really? Sorry I thought you’re just 16.” I shot back, my tone full of sarcasm - his head snapped to my direction as his face crunched in confusion.

“Am I 16?” he asked confused.

I closed my eyes and shook my head in disapproval, my poor brother… Not sure of his own age.

“I’m leaving now, I left money for dinner.”


Before twisting the door knob to open the door, I turned to Max squinting my eyes in the process “Don’t do anything stupid.” I warned before finally stepping out of the apartment.

“Alex! Alex!” I turned around carefully, making sure that my paintings won’t slip off my grasp.

“Oh hey Mason!” I greeted as Mason approached me.

“Look, I would love to chat and all that, but I’ve gotta run so…” 

“No, its absolutely fine.” he answered smiling.

His eyes shifted to the covered paintings I am holding, “What’s with the paintings?”

“How’d you know they are paintings?” I asked.

“In case you forgot, we used to paint together.” I blushed in response considering I forgot that Mason is also a very great painter. 

“Oh, right. Uhm. I painted it like 2 weeks ago, Ashley helped me sell the painting online last sunday and yeah.” 

“So you’re meeting the buyer?” He asked.

Rolling my eyes I answered “Obviously.”

He raised his brow before speaking “ Really? you’re meeting a stranger, at night- alone?”

Nodding I answered “Yeah , pretty much.”

“That’s dangerous! plus where are you meeting this buyer? do you want me to accompany you?”

“I’m a big girl Mason, I’m meeting the buyer in New York. Look I’ll be fine, just look out for Max I have to go.” and with that I started walking off, for if I stayed any longer Mason’s gonna surely start an argument and I will be late with this appointment.

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