Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

I am not JEALOUS.

I don't care that some chick was as close as almost kissing Harry.

Seriously I'm not.

Why should I be jealous? I'm gorgeous and all.

I thought to myself as I dig in my pancake.

"You really love eating eh?" Zayn asked smirking as I realized I'm eating like I a mad man because of my thoughts pushing me to do so.

"Well yeah but I don't really eat much for breakfast just this time." I answered shrugging

"Is that so?" Zayn asked raising his brow looking like he doesn't believe me.

Normally I would understand if no one believes me but It's true though I love food I feel different in the morning.

"Yeah... Well i feel different in morning time but now it's fine since I've missed pancakes."

"But it's not right to have an empty stomach especially you're still studying." Zayn pointed out as he continued eating.

"I eat, but Just Banana."

"Is that enough to start of your day?"

Okay is he some kind of a nutrionist or dietrician now?

"Yeah.. I really like eating banana and drinking milk in the mornings." I answered shrugging.

Zayn's eyes widened and he started choking on his food.

What? What did I say now?

"Oh my god are you okay what's wrong?" I asked panicking.

Being the stupid me I did not bothered offering him water I just looked at the boy choking in front of me. Zayn started laughing as I simply looked at him confused.

Narrowing my eyes at him "What ?"

"Nothing, just don't ever say that again." He continued laughing as he grabbed his drink.

"Say what again?" Okay I know I am not as smart as Justin but I am completely lost here.

"Never mind, you're too innocent for that." Zayn simply said.

Too innocent for what? I feel so stupid right now, I'm sure Justin would love that.

"You and Harry are completely different ." Zayn said laughing

I just shrugged agreeing and decided to drop off whatever the hell Zayn was talking about.

But he's right Harry and I are different, I'm not saying that he's Not gorgeous because I am I'm just saying I'll always be the pretty one in our relationship.

Though Harry is really attractive I strongly believe with all my heart and soul with my whole being that I will always be better looking than Harry.

"So how are you finding New York so far? " I asked changing the topic.

"Love it, but too crowded and all i'm not really a people person." Zayn answered he finished his pancake.

Chuckling I grinned "Oh well then we got a lot in common then."

Zayn was about to say something when my phone beeped for the nth time now, I know it's Harry he's been texting me since Zayn and I left their place , I pulled out my phone and checked the new message.

Surprisingly It's not Harry.

From: Ashleyyy

Hey, I'm sorry I just left my mom called me and told me there's an emergency in Wizard World that needs my community service :(((( GAHHH I know it's horrible right??? :((( anyway I'll be back on monday Tell Zayn he owes me breakfast ;) just kidding Have fun okay? I'll be going through your portal door by the way.

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