Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

It's been three weeks now since that 'kiss' went around.

For the past three weeks it had been tuesdays and Thursdays wizard lessons and Friday, Saturday and Sunday Harry hanging by the substation.

He also tried talking me into a date again but of course I never said yes again.

Honestly Harry is quite cool.

I gotta give it to him and his perseverance into asking me out.

Perseverance wow big word.

See I don't always skip english.

Speaking off...

I'm so gonna be late right now.

I should've set my alarm clock before I went to bed.

Oh who am I kidding?

I don't have an alarm clock.

So I have to Zap myself in school so I can be there on time.

Not that i care If I was late but I'm gonna get detention again if I'm late for the 3rd time this week and it's only wednesday.

Looking around the shop I pulled my wand out and as I see that the coast is clear I waved my wand Zapping myself in the girl's bathroom.

"Finally." I sighed as I made my way to my class.

"Alex Russo?" Mr. Bryan called my name just in time.

"Here!" I yelled as I quickly sat on one of the seats.

"Hey Alex." Josh greeted

Oh just great.

Gosh why did I sit in here?!

"So I'll see you later so I can walk you home again, you know." Josh said grinning.

Oh dear God.

"Uh no thanks Josh, I've changed I don't like taking advantage of people around me anymore."

You know people change...

Just kidding that was a total lie.


"Hey Alex!" Harry greeted as I entered the substation.

Substation's not so full of customers right now and Harry's wearing a beanie and sunglasses

Way to go Dude it's not like people are gonna notice that you're wearing a beanie and sunglasses like the sun is shinning so bright upon your face.

No really that looks completely normal.

Harry grabbed my school bag taking it from me "let me take this for you."

"Oh Gladly." I smiled letting him carry my bag.

"Alex! What did I tell you about making guys carry your bag?" Mom scolded as she put her hand on her hips shaking her head in disapproval.

Ignoring my mom I turned to Harry "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see you."

Rolling my eyes "That's what you always say for the past 3 weeks."

"And that had been the same question you asks me for the past 3 weeks." He shot back.

"Don't you have anywhere to be? Liam and Louis' aren't here."

He shook his head no "It's their turn to help with the songs we're writing so yeah they're working. You don't have those classes today right?"

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