Chapter One

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Kate was blocking my way as I approached the last step of the stairs; and wouldn't move a muscle. Time is of the essence after all. For six months, I have tried to wrap my head around all my intentions and motives – and now I have the answers. Why is Kate trying to help now? She never followed through with the agreements on why I pardoned her; so why now?

"Kate. Move out of my way." I forcibly say as I try to move around her; but she doesn't budge.

"We need to talk."

"About what? Talking to you is not on the list of priorities, so I need you to move."

"It's important."

Angrily, I spat out, "So is this. I can't deal with you right now." I push pass her and head to the door while continuing to listen to her heartbeat. It was racing faster and faster as time went on. Who knew that the next three words would change my life forever?

"I'm your mother." Exclaims Kate as she looks at me with a somber grief-ridden expression as she sat on the stairs. Jolting my head around, almost jarring my neck, I stare at her for a few seconds. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the tears begin to form; and I held my cold expression towards her as I tried to grapple what she just said.

After all this time, I finally knew where I came from. Two monstrous souls that found themselves back in the beginning before it all got screwed up. I'm nothing like my parents, but I don't want her to be my mother. The Argent-Hale Feud is what comes to mind as I think of everything; but this isn't fair. She can't just show up after three weeks and think that the conditions still apply. Some monsters never changed.

Without saying anything, I just turn away and leave for the school to go change someone else's life forever. I can't let my frustrations interfere with the ongoing plan to down Monroe; not even finding out who my mother is. I can't accept it. Not after all the hell I have been put through and now I know that I should be pointing fingers at her. How can I be strong when this secret is causing me to be weak?

"Charlie, wait up?"

"Jackson?! You're supposed to be guarding that book!"

"Don't scare him away."

"He trusts me. Now go back upstairs before I don't trust you!" I say as I scream while pointing to the door; and just like that he's gone and a knot forms in my gut. I have to tell him. Not only have we been looking for this "Hale", but we've been searching for her and now it's over. Ugh, this isn't what I need to be focusing on.

Forgetting the confrontation with Kate, I run to Beacon Hills High School as if my life depended on it; well it kind of did. My feet knew exactly where to go as I swung open the doors and scoured the hallways in search of him. Locker room, maybe? I take a left turn and end up in the locker room to find someone else.


He looks up at me as I turn to leave and says, "Charlie?"

Looking for Nolan was my top priority as I peered around the corner to see if he was here. "I can't deal with you at the moment. I just found out some crucial information and I just can't handle your issues when I have my own to deal with. Theo, I found out who my mother is, know why Monroe is back; and have to find Nolan. So if you don't mind – I need to leave, because your problems don't matter to me." I snap as I start leaving.

"I kissed Liam."

My eyes grew wide as I stared at the ground as I figured out how to respond; but I stopped moving and say, "Huh? You? What? Wow." The moment I finish my astounding response, I sit next to him and admire him even more for telling me.

"I know. Don't look so shocked."

"It makes sense now. How are you?" I ask as I look over to him with sad yet understanding eyes.

He shakes my stare away and flips on me. "Don't act like you care – I don't deserve it. After everything... yeah you can go off and deal with your own problems." I take his hand and shake my head disagreeing with him.

Sweetly laughing, I say "There you go always. Theo, how are you? I can see how confused and lost you are; but I also see sincerity in your eyes. Listen, you're not the same monster you were when we first met."

Gripping my hand tighter, he looks at me. "Something changed. Three years ago...actually I think it happened when he started dating Hayden."

About to cry, I inhale and say "I know. Do you like him like that?"

Tears roll down Theo's eyes and I catch them. For a few seconds, it was a sob-fest between a powerful alpha and a werewolf who was lost. "He's my best friend. I told him I wouldn't die for him, but I think that's not the case anymore. He's not that little kid that I second guessed anymore. I like him too much for him to die. I'd do just about anything for him."

Patting him on his back, I reply with "There you have it. You don't know where you stand with Liam anymore. Give him time."

"Maybe you should be the guidance counselor." Laughed Theo as he stands up.

"Trust me – everything will be fine. Theo, you care way too much to give up now."

"If I see Nolan, I'll send him your way. Thanks for everything."

"No problem." I say as I leave the locker room and think about everything.

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