Chapter Seventeen

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The firing stopped.

Echoes of the bullets rang in our ears.

Yet it was completely silent.

Footsteps walking away from the apartment and getting into cars...silent. Monroe has retreated which means one of two things: 1.) This was her plan all along or 2.) She fell for the distraction and is heading there now. I'm going to believe that it's the second choice, obviously.

"She's gone." I whimpered as I clutched my side in pain.

"We need to get you to Beacon Hills Memorial now. You're bleeding...Charlie." Frantically states Jackson as he examines me to find a small Ninja Star in my side; which was laced with wolfsbane and mountain-ash ...which was causing me not to heal. Ethan runs down the hallway and pulls the car around; but I collapse from the pain into my brother's arms.

The smell was nauseating and the room was still rotating in countless circles; until I began to focus on my location. The hospital. Wait, why am I here? My left arm was numb and moving my right arm was nearly impossible; but manageable besides the fact that I had needles and IV's running up my arm. Someone was standing in the doorway while someone else sat patiently in the only couch in the room; but I couldn't figure out who was who.

Opening my eyes, everyone seemed like patchy characters as I tried to focus. "What happened?" I say groggily as push myself up and flinch in pain. My head was throbbing and my side still hurt for some apparent reason; and that's when I remembered everything.

Isaac leans against the doorframe with a saddened smile as he admires me from the distance. I could have died. All of this bickering and fighting and name-calling; and futile tactics would have been a waste of time; and then we would have lost. "You have a funny way of getting people to work together." Jokes Isaac who lets a stray tear fall down his cheek.

Clutching my side, I inhale loudly and say "Don't I? It was my plan all along."

"So, are you?"

Looking over to him with my joyous puppy eyes, I nod with a big grin on my face and say "Yeah, I am."

"You could've died."

"And you know me better than that. I'm a survivor not a quitter. A fighter. There was no way in hell that she was winning that easily." He walks over and crawls into the bed with me and holds me tightly. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

That's when Peter storms in and grips the railing at the end of the bed; and stares up at me sternly. Great. Now I get a big-you-know-how-stupid-you-are-and-you-could-have-been-killed-tonight-and-that-should-never-happen-again-but-I-am-glad-you're-alright speech. Ever since Gerard and Monroe tried to takedown every supernatural – Peter has tried being an affectionate and protective father; especially when he found out about Jackson and me. I should have known that one of my pack members would call my father and explain to him about what went down; and that he'd appear at my bedside to scold me...before accepting the fact that I'm not a child anymore.

"What were you thinking?"

"I was there to make things right with my brother."

"Don't play know what I am talking about. You knew that she'd look into you as soon as you made it known that you are indeed a Hale. Were you expecting her to do her research or runaway?"

"I don't need your constant overbearing right now. I'm tired."
"Too bad. That was so childish and stupid. Charlotte, you and your unborn child could have been killed earlier. What were you thinking?"

"I guess I wasn't."

"This isn't a time to be careless and disorderly; or make rash choices a week before we take her down."

"I know! Don't you think I know that? We wanted to know if she knew about Nolan without us giving him up...and she did. Cora and I had a plan. Get off your high horse and start respecting me as an Alpha."

"I'm glad you're alright, but I have to go discuss some things with the pack." Scolds Peter as he charges out of the room like a ferocious monster on a warpath. I was about to call out for him, but I just laid back in the most uncomfortable bed with a loud sigh. Then Jackson jumps up from the couch and towers over me; watching me with his blue eyes.

"There's Peter for you. Always putting people down."

"I'm sorry I didn't...that I didn't...I'm sorry." I say as breathe heavier and heavier before readjusting my position. "That I didn't tell you."

Grabbing my hand, he gives me a smile and encourages me "Save your energy." Then Peter comes back in with Cora and gives me a smile. "I thought you were mad at me." I softly wondered as a smile lit up my face.

"You're my daughter. Even though you make poor life choices and have rash ideas; you're still my daughter. At the end of the day, all I want is for you and the rest of the family to be safe. No matter the costs."

Cora eyes Peter and gives him a cease fire friendly smile and says, "You actually care. That's shocking, but acceptable. Charlie, I am glad you're okay."


"When you're better, I will tell you all about Kate and me."

Both Jackson and I shook our heads no and said, "How about we don't?"

"Fine. Don't say I didn't offer the chance to know?" laughs Peter. The night drew on as more and more people showed up to wish me better and to tell me they cared. It was night to feel like a human with human problems for one night. I'm thankful for it.

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now