Chapter Nine

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A day ago I wouldn't have felt this way.

Uplifted. Blissful. Content. Curious. Not afraid.

After meeting the devil for the first time, I knew where we stood. Monsters will be monsters until change is provoked – whether it is good or bad – deep down we're all monsters; and she is terrified of that. The feeling of revenge triggered a change within me and I have never felt more alive. No matter what we do, there will always be a battle to win and a challenge to overcome; and if you understand that – then you're already winning.

"Everyone gather around." I say as everyone circles me and makes me the center of attention. Liam was on one side of the room and Theo leaned against the chair on the other side; and I let out a deep sigh. I guess last night didn't change anything. "So, you all can't get upset at what I say next." Theo's head perks up and looks at me; and I quickly shake my head. He's the only other person that knows about Kate; and he knows I'm not ready to disclose that to the packs yet.

"Just say whatever it is." Urged Theo as he sits on the stool; keeping my secret for a bit longer.

"What did you do?" questions Liam as he eyes Theo with lust and attraction; before moving his focus somewhere else.

Nolan interjects, "What hasn't she done? She knows how to distill pain and exploit our weaknesses to prove a point. Granted, not all her choices are good ones."

Hunter rolls his eyes and states, "Well she goes about things the wrong way. We haven't made any process on finding this Monroe character; and Charlie is supposed to be our great and powerful alpha – what's wrong with that picture?" I shoot Hunter a look of a sinister glare as I judged the way he talked about me. Mock me all you want, but in the end – whose side do you want to be on? Typical Hale attitude.

"I met her."

"You met who?" questioned Jackson as he jolts up and starts freaking out. My brother is too overprotective and a control freak with good taste. "Charlie?!"

Looking at the table, I walk over and grab a pretzel before turning around and facing him. "I met Monroe." Shock reigned over everyone as the whispers and looks started.

"Are all Hales stupid?" sarcastically questions Stiles before we all glare at him. "Sorry, but she's the devil."

"The devil comes in all forms. Peter, Deucalion, Kate, and Monroe. The list goes on. It was part of my plan and it worked. I mean if you don't want to hear what happened..."

"They do." Reassures Peter as he holds his hand up to stop me from talking. Clearing my throat, I begin to speak. "She's afraid that we will win again. I told her to look in the mirror before judging us as the monsters she has made us out to be; and Monroe doesn't know about Nolan yet. I left her speechless after she stabbed my hand with a yellow wolfsbane laced knife. She thinks she can win by twisting our words." I exclaim as I breathe deeply in and out. "Also when I had no effect by her choice of poison – it startled her into rethinking everything. Monroe is terrified that we might do the very thing she's accusing us of doing: turning her into the very monster she hunts."

Scott looks to Malia then to Derek and lastly, his eyes land on Peter and he asks, "We're not doing that right? Not thinking of doing the one thing we're not about? No."

"Oh Scott... how you haven't changed in three years." Sarcastically states my father as he rolls his eyes.

"Scott has a point. I thought biting someone was frowned upon? That we shouldn't do it unless deemed necessary, right?" questions Malia before letting go of Scott's hand and waiting for someone to say something.

"It's a scare tactic. No, we don't plan on turning her unless it's the only way. The plan is to activate Nolan's powers and he will be the one to...take care of Monroe like she did to everyone else while under Gerard's leadership. We can't attack until Halloween because it'll be a blue moon and we need that chaos to achieve everything. No one else dies though. Don't give them ammo to use against us. We stand as one. We fight together. No matter what – don't change who you are in order to win. Don't be a coward and don't be selfish."

"You put yourself at risk. I can't believe you jeopardized everything to do something asinine and dangerous. Were you even thinking? What if she would have found out about Nolan? Her goons would've tracked him down and killed him. What happened to protecting those who can't protect themselves? What about hunting those who hunt us? Never did you ever mention doing something so ludicrous as outing yourself." Thundered Jackson who quickly grabs my arm, before I tear it away from his grip; and flash my purple eyes at him and push him back.

"Back down. If I wanted an over-protective parent – I'd ask my father. Stop with the freaking out and the relentless worrying. I did what I did to move things along and to scare her; and to protect this pack. I'm not fighting this war for me...Jackson... I am fighting it, so Enzo will be safe. My son, remember? It's not safe with Monroe out there on the loose. I'm protecting my son, because it's a mother's job. Back off and get the hell away from me." I yell as everyone turns away from the family ordeal between my brother and me.

Then he shakes his head and walks away from the whole pack.

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