Chapter Eighteen

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Halloween is in five days. Every year around this time, I try to have the best haunted house. This tradition started when I was three, when my adopted mother Grace had seen Hocus Pocus for the zillionth time. There were these other traditions that started when I met Deucalion: Halloween movie marathons, carving pumpkins, playing jokes on the neighbors; and learning a new skill. He was like a dad to me in the uncle kind of way. This was his favorite holiday to be honest and he'd roll over in his grave if he knew I wasn't continuing the traditions. Can you blame me? No one has had any time to even breathe yet alone think. Why indulge in something when the holiday is the day everything goes down? It's pointless. Five days from now we attempt to take down someone who has been hiding in the dark for three years; to set records straight; and to survive.

A lot of us are doing it for the same reason, but some of us are doing for a different reason. We don't want to continually glance over our shoulders anticipating the darkness that follows us. No one wants to live in fear, but we do it anyways...even if we don't want to acknowledge it. Scott and Malia keep convincing themselves that everything is going to be alright. I wish I had that enthusiasm. Hunter is prepared to run. Again, can you blame him? Drop a bombshell secret on someone and see how they react; I'd run too. Derek wants to start over. Hayden doesn't want to die. Theo and Liam are finally together; and right now that is all we're holding on to. Happiness and survival. Jackson and Ethan just want Monroe gone. Nolan is terrified which isn't surprising, but it's also bringing back the fact that – he lost one of his good friends when he last saw Monroe. Peter is preparing to be relentless and the rest of the group is just going with the flow.

I want to say it's going to be easy. That it will all work out in the end, but I can't lie to them yet alone myself. Nothing is ever going to be easy for us – and by the time we figure that out – it will be too late. Monroe stole everything from us and it's time we teach her a lesson: don't mess with people you have no chance against. She doesn't get to dictate whether or not we're the villains. This is the time where I rise as the alpha and give some emotional speech for motivation – that might work for others, but not me. So, with Halloween gearing up around the corner – I am going to have one last party before the final battle with Monroe commences. Who throws the best parties? Lydia.

"You feeling alright?"

"I've been better." I laugh before continuing. "I want a Halloween party. A go big or go home type of Halloween party before the actual holiday. You throw the best parties, Lydia."

"Are you serious? That's a -."

Derek and Scott walk up with Stiles close behind and look at me. "Perfect idea. One more night to live as normal as we can be. It is perfect." Exclaims Stiles as he wraps his arm around Lydia and kisses her temple. Scott fist bumps Stiles and nods his head saying, "I'm down for a Halloween party." Derek just rolls his eyes before giving us a smiling grin, "It will be good for everyone."

Throwing her hands up, she giddily exclaims "Fine. I will do it. Tomorrow work in your master plan?"

"Yes." I say as I pull everyone into a hug while we gather in laughter. This is what life is all about. Friends. Family. Love. Joyous moments. Picture perfect memories. A good time. You name it – and it's on the list. In this moment, we aren't prepping for a full out war. We're planning a Halloween party and celebrating my pregnancy. There's a thousand things that can go wrong, and they probably will – but none of that matters. For right now, we are human with human tendencies and human hearts. Nothing can tear us down. If I didn't have any of the people that are in my life now – I'd be lost.

Peter walks over and sets his mug down on the table; and interrupts our moment. "So, a party?" I waited for him to start steaming and fling his mug at the wall – but none of that happened. Wasn't he the one saying I should be focusing?

"You're not mad?"

"I'm too old to be mad. You don't need me meddling in your life anymore. I should have realized this sooner, but you and your siblings are adults. There's no reason for me to be overbearing and controlling – you kids have your own voice and own life to live."

Walking over to him, I embrace him in a hug and softly say "Aww dad...we will always need you. Don't second guess your place in our lives. Nice of you to finally admit that you love us, though."

"Can we go somewhere and talk? I feel like you should hear my side of the story before heading into a war. Even though I missed out on everything...that Deucalion got to experience... I want to do this for me."

I nod and we head outside where the temperature had dropped immensely. Shivering, Peter hands me his jacket and I smile. "You're a good father. I'm sorry you never got to experience us growing up. When I first met you at a young age, I thought you were this mean adult...but then I noticed your eyes and knew there was something about you – that was familiar. We have the same crystal blue quality in our eyes. That was the moment that I knew you were my father, but had no idea how to prove it."

"I didn't realize it that day, but you're right – there was something I just couldn't shake. I'm sorry I was a mean adult." Laughs Peter as we both sit down on the old concrete bench that had dead flowers around it. "Three years ago, when I saw you – I had a trouble accepting it, but I kind of guessed who your mother was. It makes sense..."

Placing my hand on his, I look into his cold eyes and say "You don't have to talk about this, if it is too hard for you."

"She use to have a heart. Purer than anyone I had ever known. She was my Paige. There was this life and energy about her and I had to know her. She's the one that I wished wouldn't have ended so tragically; because we were actually in ---."



"So, if you guys loved each other, what happened?"

"Kate learned the family business real quick and never looked back. She started hiding things from me and became aggressive towards me; until that one day where she pulled a weapon on me – showing her true colors. The Kate that I knew was gone and never coming back." Sadly states Peter as his head hung low.

"So you fell in love with a hunter? Honestly, I don't see her as one with a pure heart, because she gave us up – without telling you. You really loved her?"

Changing his tone, Peter sort of snaps which was kind of expected at this point. "I try to forget that she was that girl to me. The one I actually loved, so if you wouldn't mind not using that lousy 'L' word. Kate's a hormonal psychotic lunatic with supernatural capabilities to shapeshift into that ridiculous purple thing."

Laughing while covering my mouth, "You made her into that the moment you scratched her."

"I'll give you that. Anyways, I will let you get back into the warmness while I think for a bit. I love you, kid."

Standing up, I grab his shoulder and smile before walking away.

"I love you too."

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now