Chapter Sixteen (POV Changes)

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Theo's POV

Charlie is right. I shouldn't worry what others think and go for what I want; and at the moment I want two things: 1.) Liam and 2.) Monroe dead. She can't just target our strongest pack members and think she can get away with it. If I had my chimera powers still, she wouldn't know how to react.

"Where's Nolan?" asked Liam as he set down a box of things in my room. The room that Charlie allowed me to keep staying in after everything. If anything happens to her...I'll lose Liam for good. She has given me the benefit of the doubt; and I haven't been standing up for anything she has stated over the past weeks; which puts me in the terrible friend and pack member category. "Theo? Did you suddenly become deaf?"

Snapping back into reality, I reply with "What are you doing here?"

"Dropping some things off. Why all the questions?"

"I don't know. Everything has been stressful. Just drop the box off and leave."

"Theo. What's bugging you?"

"Just leave. I don't need you clouding my judgement too."

"Are we seriously back to hating each other now? You're the one that changed everything. The moment you kissed..." says Liam as I walk over to him and pull him into a kiss. "Me." Finishes Liam as he quickly pulls out of the kiss.

"Yeah, it changed everything. Nolan is with Scott and Derek." I say before walking out of the room and finding Malia grinning from eye to eye.

Scott's POV

"She'll be fine."

"Fine? Monroe is outside their door and is out for blood! She's not bluffing when she says that someone is coming after me. How are you sure that she will be fine? She's my best friend and my alpha; and everyone is not listening to her and her ideas. Charlie is what I hope to become one day. There's so much you guys don't know about her." Exclaims Nolan as he begins pacing back and forth.

I walk over to Nolan and put my hand on his shoulder and look down to him. "It may seem that way at the moment, but she's fearless. There's nothing that is going to rain on her parade. She called us while she was about to be under fire to warn us what Monroe is planning. Don't give up hope, Nolan."

"What do we not know about her?" wonders Derek.

"If she dies...her power goes to Jackson. If he dies...his power goes to Peter. She can't die...don't you guys listen? She's my best friend and I think letting Peter have power like that – will be the worst thing to happen to this town since Gerard." Frantically states Nolan as he punches a wall.

Both Derek and I take a glance at each other, before asking "Their power switches hands?"

Turning around, Nolan shrugs and says, "If Jackson dies first...Charlie becomes more powerful than me; and if she dies....the power then goes to Kate. They haven't activated their full potential – which they need in order to activate mine. Didn't she tell you this? Peter knew."

"She isn't going to die. We vowed to save everyone that needs protecting and Monroe just overstayed her visit. Call Liam and the others and have a group of them come here and a group go see Deaton. Oh and call Hayden...we need her." I order as I grab my helmet and take off. "Oh Derek can you watch him?"

"Is it babysitting night or something?"


Jackson's POV

She's injured. That's when I hear it; and my heart plunges into my stomach as I realize what kind of monster I had become. There is no way that I am letting her out of my sight now.

Two heartbeats. Two people to care about. She's my person and I'd die for her...if it meant she would be stronger.

"Someone better have a plan."

"I'm assuming they do." Coughed Charlie as she sits up and smiles at me. Color was fading from her face; but she didn't let the pain bother her.

"We need to get you out of here and to a hospital. Why didn't you say you were hurt?"

"Don't worry about me. Figure a way to get out of this mess. We need a distraction."

"I don't want to be the barer of bad news – but they are beginning to shoot through the apartment; and you shouldn't be participating in this war."

Charlie laughs and asks, "Why? I'm the alpha."

"And you're..."

"Don't you dare say it, Ethan?"

"You're pregnant? Charlie? He's right." I say as I kneel to the ground and pull her into a warm embrace and kiss her head, "When Monroe is gone? Really? You should've told me."

"Give me your hand. Hold my arm."

Theo's POV

Malia looks at me and then to Liam and rolls her lips. "Am I interrupting something?" sarcastically says Malia. Liam almost keels over and dies with embarrassment as he shoves his hands in his pocket; and avoids eye contact with me. Please don't make this awkward, Liam. This is the one person not to do that with.

"No. What? There's nothing going on. Nope. Why are you here?" instantly replies Liam as he makes it obvious that there is something going on. Turning slowly, I give him a glare and slap him in the chest, "Way to play it cool, man." Shaking my head in disbelief, I return my focus to Malia and give her a smile.

She gives Liam a weird stare and asks, "Are you sick? You're acting strange." Then we both look at Liam, waiting for him to open his mouth and insert his foot – because sticking my foot up his ass is frowned upon. Shaking his head, "I'm fine. Nothing to share. I am good." Malia then pushes on the counter and gets weirded out. "Okay..." starts Malia as she purses her lips and continues with, "Well if you're alright – there's something you should see."

Folding my arms, I interject and ask "Care to explain what it is?"

She turns my way and says, "Better if I show you."

"A new lead?"

"Possibly." Says Malia as she walks out the door and gestures us to follow.

I then quickly pull Liam aside and yell out to Malia with, "Be right there." Then I jolt around and target Liam with, "What the hell was that?"

"I'm not good under pressure. I talk."

"I know."

"When this is all over...we should talk about everything."

"It'll never be over, Liam. Who are we kidding?"

That's when Liam grabs my hand and entangles it with mine and says, "This is what I want. You have me. Let's go kick some ass."

Charlie's POV

Holding my stomach, I latch my hand onto Jackson's and peer into his beautiful eyes and say, "I'm fighting this fight for everyone we have lost. For everyone that we care about. My son deserves a life in color and not in war – and with Monroe seeking us out and killing us – he'll never be safe. This child will never be safe. I think it's time to call the other pack to Beacon Hills. You and I have a monster within us and I believe that we're better than that. This baby will have a good life. Let's fight this one last battle."

"One last battle."

"I second that." Joins in Ethan who sets his hand on my shoulder.

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