Chapter Twelve

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"What are you doing here?"

"Last time I checked, I was still the Alpha."

Standing against the wall, Jackson charges towards me. I had to think quickly, so I threw mountain ash around me; and watched him stop dead in his tracks. Frantically waiting, I just stood there waiting for something to happen. Jackson looks at me like he's going to kill me; but what good will that do? If I am dead – all the pressure falls on him. Doesn't he know that?

"Mountain ash? Of all things you could have to protect yourself from me; you choose that? Well that won't stop me, sister. Watch this." Smugly states Jackson as he puts his hands on the force field that continually zapped him; but he persevered through the humiliation and pain.

Startled by his actions "Stop while you're ahead. You aren't strong enough. Back down, Jackson. Kill me and our enemies win. You're being stupid."

"I'm stupid? You lied to me. I am so close to killing you with my bare hands." Laughed Jackson as he pushes through the barrier and wraps his hands around my neck. I start hitting his hands to release me – but he was too strong. Gasping for air, my breathing started decreasing until everything felt like it was moving in a fast moving car.

"I'm...sorry. Y-you I...can't...b-breathe. I-I'm..." I gasp before I go limp in his hands and he releases me. My eyes grew droopy slowly blurring figures around me; and I see his worried expression settle on his face; before I closed my eyes. Am I dead? He killed me, didn't he? There's commotion around me, but I am by far too weak to open my eyes and join in all the ruckus.

That's when hands scoop me up and frantically lie my down on the couch; and urges me to wake up; but I couldn't manage that. "Get out. You could've killed her. Get out." Roars Peter as he yells at Jackson.

"She lied to both of us."

"You became the very thing she was terrified of you becoming, Jackson."

"And what is that?"


You could tell he was taken back from that statement, but he replies with "Don't compare me to you."

"Shut up." Says Peter before he returns to tending to me. "Okay sweet girl... you need to get up. Wake up. We need you. I forgive you." Slowly moving my hand from my side, I push Peter away with tears boiling in my eyes as I turn to Jackson.

"You're out. Get the hell out of my pack." I thundered as I throw the newspaper at him and he looks at me with that puppy face; that got me all the other times before. Sitting up on the couch, I slowly stand up and walk over to my brother; and look at him with pure hatred. Then I push him hard over and over. "Leave! I can't have you in my pack. You are out! I'd rather rely on my father to be a monster with a heart than you who can't see the line you crossed. Get out! Don't come back."

He walks out and I collapse into tears as Peter catches me and holds me tightly. "It's going to be alright. You're okay."

Sobbing, I shake my head with, "No I'm not. He's my best friend, but I can't deal with that right now. Can you take Enzo, so I can talk to Isaac? Please, dad?" He helps me up and walks over to Isaac and takes my little wolf and walks to the playroom.

"Isaac. I did something. I was lost and confused and didn't want to feel anything; but then I couldn't destroy everything I stood for. I-I coined a plan and it worked. Promise me you won't be mad."

Taking my hand, he looks down at me and says, "What did you do? Who?"

"I kissed Ryker. You know how I was talking about playing on people's weaknesses? I am his greatest weakness – because I was his first love. I'm his drug. Nothing happened besides the heated make-out session. It made him confused and it has temporarily made him stop coming after my pack. I know I screw up a lot and withhold information at times – but I do it so I can do my job and protect my pack. With everything going on, I needed to feel like all the weight of the world wasn't indeed on my shoulders. To feel human and not feel like a complete failure and monster."

"And it worked?"

"Like taking candy from a baby. A perfect distraction."


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