Chapter Three

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"Nolan?!" I say as I meet up with him.

"What are you doing here this late? Without a jacket?!" exclaimed Nolan as he takes his off and puts it on me.

"We need to talk."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you after you exposed what you did six months ago. You did everything to protect me and I let you be thrown under the bus."

"That's okay. We seriously need to talk."

"What is it?" questions Nolan as he shivers and rubs his arms up and down; before you saw his breath against the chilly air.

I dig into my back pocket and unfold a piece of paper. This is the moment that will change everything. I can't live in the dark anymore. Being who we are brings chaos and lies and secrets and I can't be responsible for keeping this from him. Nolan is like a little brother to me and Deucalion would be proud of me for how far I have come. He'd be folding his arms with a charming smile scribbled on his face; because I finally have found who I am. There's no holding back, but I can't be afraid... because fear is what caused us to be in this war. No one will understand anything that we say unless we prove that we're not monsters. My dear fallen friend would be everything we need for proof as he was kind prior to his derailment; before he changed for the better. I loved him and his daughter and for that reason only – I can change Nolan's life.

"You're it."


"You're the one we've been diligently searching for. The key to beating Monroe. It's you."

He's taken back for a moment. "So, I'm a Hale? How is that possible? My parents are my parents! Charlie, you're wrong."

I hand him the paper and respond with, "Annie never met you. She just knew it was you, before you even played a part in the events that happened three years ago. Not all werewolves have werewolf children as some can be humans like yourself."

"My parents are my parents. Noah and McKinley Matthews are my parents. You're wrong..." shrieks Nolan as he pulls out his phone and begins to dial his parents; before Derek takes it out of his hand.

"I got this."

"Okay, well he was going to sound like he needed to be admitted; and that won't help us. Let me try." Slyly states Derek as he hands me Nolan's phone. Then Derek smiles his perfect teeth at Nolan as he flashes his blue eyes; startling the poor boy to the ground.

"Your father was hidden from the pack because Peter was unstable. Noah is my fraternal twin brother. My mother told me when I was twelve and I was sworn to secrecy not to tell even my best friend which happened to be Peter. Your dad knew he was adopted, but he the adoption was not documented. Do you trust me?"

Flabbergasted, I grab Derek's arm and exclaim, "What? How do you know the story? Huh?"

"I did my own research and found files my mother kept in the vault. Good thing she did or all the evidence would be gone. What's got you all tied up?"

In that moment, I contemplated on whether to tell my dear old cousin that my mother is one of his ex-girlfriends; as well as the one that burnt your family home to the ground that killed your mother. Gosh, family dinners are just not going to go pleasant like ever at the rate that we're going; but at least I have a family, right? Still, I pondered at the idea as I kicked the dirt around until Nolan noticed something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing."

"You're a bad liar." Smugly states Derek as he crosses his arms and waits for me to continue.

"I am not a terrible liar!" I marveled as I cross my arms and roll my eyes in disbelief. This was my chance to yet change someone else's life and I backed out as if I was a cornered puppy. Sadly, that's how I was feeling in this exact moment. It'll do more harm than good and right now, I cannot afford to take that risk. These secrets being exposed are the loose threads that continue to pull me down; that I can't allow to fall apart. If Derek finds out about Kate, it'll pit Peter and Derek against one another – and I can't handle that.

"Yeah you are." Joked Derek as he pulls me into a hug and leans into me closely. Whispering in my ear, "When you finally come to your senses and stop lying to yourself; you know where to find me. Secrets like that will get you killed. Don't act like Peter, Charlie."

Then Nolan clears his throat and interrupts the moment.

"So, how am I the key to beating Monroe?" inquired Nolan as he stared at us with his intense blue eyes; and within a few seconds, I realized that it was always him. Why his intense hatred for the supernatural creatures? It's because he wasn't born one; and his subconscious mentally tricked him into hating fantasies; which ended up being real. Monroe had no clue that she was dealing with a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's the weapon of surprise.

"You are the weapon of surprise, Nolan. Don't you see that? The strongest werewolf to ever walk this planet."

"I wasn't born a werewolf though. So, how does this work then?"

"Two twin wolves born on a Lunar Eclipse will generate enough power to awaken your capabilities – the ones you were born with. It's all on that slip of paper. Nothing is going to happen to you, little wolf. She won't see you coming. Please trust me, cousin?" I begged as a stream of tears rolled down my face – landing on my lips.

"Jackson and you are meant to activate my Hale powers? He hates me. Like he actually hates me, Charlie!" cries Nolan as he begins to worry. His eyes couldn't focus on just one thing as he kept moving his head at the speed of light. Nolan's chest began to heave up and down as he started having a panic attack. "Why does it have to be me? How are you sure I am the one that will take down Monroe? She wants me dead."

He's right. How do I know? No, I can't allow doubt to cloud my judgement. Not now. I will not stand in the way of winning this battle. We don't run. I'm finally the alpha that everyone turns to for advice and I won't take steps backwards; because I don't fully believe either. I am the alpha of all alphas –so I guess I am taking a page out of Deucalion's book.

"Stop thinking you're weak. We will not beat her with self-doubt of any kind. If you're not a Hale...then you can't open the Hale Vault. Monroe is afraid that we will beat her like last time; even when she had an army. She's had three years to prepare and so have we. Are you going to run away or are you going to stay and fight alongside me? I won't let anything happen to you. So, want to test my theory or let Monroe find out first?"

He looks down at the sheet of paper in his hands and then folds it back up; before handing it over to me.

"I'll try."

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now