Chapter Five

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"Charlotte. Great pep talk. I'm sure it's sincere."

"It is." I growled as I showed my teeth towards my father; and then I return my gaze to Derek for some family control.

"Why are you here, Peter?" questioned Derek as he hands the documents to me while walking towards my father who wore his cunning smile to a meet-and-greet.

Laughing, he nods his head with, "To see why she dashed out of the loft so quickly. After all I am her father. Did you forget that?"

"You have an angle whenever you do something; so what is it?"

"I underestimated you."

"Peter? What are you doing here? Are you here to torment everyone or are you here to see what we found? No, it's obviously you wanting to lurk in the background like when you were an alpha; and you want to make sure we don't screw anything up that could get you killed. Guess what?! I am the alpha and I have always been the alpha and you can't undermine me." I barked as I clenched the files in my hands that were still soaked in Theo's blood.

Nolan steps up and asks, "He was an alpha?" For a second, all of us stopped and pondered what to say; because the story of my father is rather extensive and complicated to say the least. Peter glances at me with his look of: are-we-going-to-tell-your-beta-everything? Derek shakes his head down towards the ground; because he knew I was going to tell him and that was going to out the secret to Peter.

At least one of the secrets...

"Are you sure you want to know Peter? The way he was before? Everything from his death toll to power-stealing to his serious attitude problems? Nolan, it's a lot to take in and you have to be sure that you want to know him; because he's the reason you didn't grow up as a... Hale." I sweetly say as I sit on the bench that lined the trees of the school.

Heads turn.

Peter glues his eyes on mine.

Nolan furiously locks his eyes on Peter as the raged surged through his veins. This is what I didn't want.

"What do you mean I was the reason that he didn't grow up as a Hale? The whole Hale family would've been destroyed if some of us didn't get out; and that fire was because of Kate. Wait, he is a Hale?" boomed Peter as his words rattled me to the bone; and Theo glances up at me and nods his head to reassure me that everything was going to be alright.

"Talia had twins. It runs in the family apparently. One was a werewolf and one was a human. At a young age... you showed signs of self-destruction and villainous ways. My mother did what she did to protect the family from you; because you're the black sheep in a family of morals and rules."

"Meaning he's the most powerful werewolf." Smiles Peter as he shifts his focus to Nolan; who still hadn't budged since what I said. This is why I don't like doing things like this, because I ruin the bubble everyone lives in.

"Now more than ever. He's part lunar wolf after all. Zodiac Wolves are the rarest and the strongest. They are always born humans from the werewolf line. What? I studied metaphysics and supernatural in London. Don't judge. There's only twelve living in the world at once."

Annie taught me about the different kinds of werewolves as we grew up and was especially fascinated with the 12 Zodiac Wolves. The strongest is the Augustine Zodiac Werewolf and that's what Nolan is. It's a mystery. How does someone that no one had any clue would be so important walk into our lives? How did we not see him coming? Nolan is proof that not all monsters do monstrous things; because when faced with the chance to kill us three years ago – he didn't take it. Sadly, it came at the cost of his best friend, Gabe, but Nolan has changed. Maybe I can believe that my father doesn't have it in him to ruin everything and revert to his old ways? Maybe I am kidding myself? Either way, in the pit of my stomach – I have yet to trust him. If he is able to control his urge for superiority and power – then maybe we can be the very Hales he talks so fondly of. I want that. To be known but for good reasons and the whole town turn heads when we walk into places – but that's a dream and now is not the time for dreaming. Liam and Theo have to figure whatever it is out, Nolan has to not become a ticking time bomb; and the rest of the family needs to formulate a plan with me to take down Monroe. If we can't do something as simple as that – then Ryker wins. Monroe wins. Anyone that has ever tried to take us down wins. That just won't do. Not now. Not ever.

"Is he the Augustine Werewolf?" asks Peter almost immediately and all heads turn in his direction; while Nolan stopped glaring at him and just continued reading the paper over and over to make sure this wasn't a fantasy.

All I do is nod.

"Great." Sarcastically replies Peter as he looks over at my beta once more before quickly taking off towards the loft. We all decide to go our own ways for the night as we try to figure out what our next move is; and to ponder everything that had happened in one day.

Kate is my mother and I am lying to my family. Not only that, but my beta has been the missing puzzle piece all this time; and everyone else is having personal struggles of their own; without the help of Ryker's interference. Yeah, we have a lot to straighten out in the next 24 hours.

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