Chapter Four

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It's October.

The full moon is coming.

This will be the night that we take down Monroe once and for all. Not only is it a Harvest Moon – but it's a blue moon; which means there will be more havoc caused than good. There's myths and stories about blue moons causing havoc on supernatural beings' powers and causing them to be a problem; but they're just myths like I said.

Derek and Nolan follow me as I lead them to the vault; that rarely do I ever go into; because it causes something to spark every time I am down there – but this is a special circumstance and no one needs an alpha who is terrified.

"Here we are." I say as I point to the Beacon Hills High School Concrete Sign.

"It's the school sign."

"Yes, I know. You have to open it and only a Hale can do that."

"With my good looks? Charlie, this is silly."

"You use your claws as the key to that." Reassures Derek as he nudges Nolan closer and shows him the lock. He looks over to me and shakes his head with his ridiculous laugh.

After a few seconds of warming up, he throws open his claws and places them on the lock and begins to turn it; until you hear a click and the sign starts moving. He's definitely a Hale. "Oh my god. I did that. My whole life has been a lie. I come from a werewolf family except I was born a human and Derek is my uncle. This is way too much to deal with."

"You're actually handling it better than Jackson. He was born a human and then was bitten; but rejected the bite at first and turned into a Kanima. Now he's the werewolf he was always meant to be with a little something else. Have you seen his tail?" I joked as I wrapped my arms around Nolan and hugged him tightly.

"Can't...breathe." Gasped Nolan as I relinquish my grip on him and smile.

"Right." I exclaim as I step back and smile back at Nolan before looking over my shoulder and seeing both Liam and Theo walking my way. From the looks of things, those two haven't spoken about the elephant in the room yet and that could prove detrimental towards everything we have worked so hard for. After disclosing the information about Nolan, my stress load has decreased immensely and I feel ecstatic moving forward.

"What did I miss?" asked Liam as he indignantly stared at Theo; and then shifted his focus to Nolan who pursed his lips together and turned away from the awkwardness that the two of them just brought. Great.

"I'm literally right here." Hissed Theo as he faced Liam who wasn't having it. I guess when he ran off the field towards the back door – that he chickened out or words were said. They care for each other and they are throwing everything down the well; including our chances of winning this battle. Why must I be the one to fix everything?

"Didn't see you there. Maybe you should go back to hell where you belong?" Sassed Liam as he folds his arms and leans against concrete slab. This can't go on any longer or my ears are going to bleed repeatedly until I am a deaf wolf.

"What the hell? This is what it has come to? So, making it Facebook Official is off the table now?" I joked as I looked up from my claws at the two mongrels who don't know a good thing when it's staring them in the face. Call me a Matchmaker, because this pairing has to work.

"Really? Now's not a time to joke, Charlie!" boomed Liam as he refused to turn to look at me; and I knew what to do in that moment.

"So if I kissed wouldn't be the slightest bit jealous? The guy who is your best friend when Mason and Corey started playing house; and you want to throw it all away? Seriously, Liam?"

"You wouldn't dare?!" thundered Liam as he swings around with his electric yellow eyes glaring at me; and I gave him a smug smirk before walking over to Theo.

"What's going on here?" questioned both Nolan and Derek before reverting back to the silent treatment amongst them.

"Nothing." Agreed both Liam and Theo simultaneously. Then I dug my claws into Theo's side and he let out a cry as the blood started to come through his shirt. I deepened my clench on him while observing Liam flinch. That's the look of someone in love – not the look of someone with animosity. Theo shoots me a look of anger, before I twist my claw even more and that's when I yanked him down to the ground; and he yelped like a puppy. If I am to pull this group of people together...I have to get creative. So a little pain has to happen? In the long run, they will agree that this was the right choice. As the alpha, this is pretty badass.

"Can you stop?!" growled Theo who was lying on his back with one hand wrapped around my neck. Both of our eyes glowing down upon each other while we held our intense stares. Everything was quiet and all you could hear were people's heart's beating faster and faster. I use my other hand and grab his wrist and sick my claws deep while listening to him howl like the monster he used to be.

"Okay. That's enough. You've made your point." Objected Liam who stood beside me and pleaded that I stop. "Don't kill him. You don't want to add that to your record."

Exhaling loudly, I reply with, "Is killing someone the real reason you want me to stop? Or are you afraid about what I'm capable of? Or I know... terrified that I will kill the one person who doesn't see you as a werewolf with anger issues? Someone that you care so deeply about, but are constantly afraid of what others think to actually do something about it."

"Let him go."

"Go ahead and kill me. I can't handle all this emotional nonsense." Theo just looked up at me with color fading from his face and a sudden knot fixated in my stomach causing me to keel over. My grip on Theo was tighter than ever as I knelt on the ground and looked over him; with my breath more rapid than before. Maybe it was a subconscious thing? I can't kill him...not after I forgave him.

That's when Liam rips me off of him and roars, "I said let him go!" His nostrils flared as he stood there looking like a monster about to tear me apart. I am my parents' kid. The feeling of satisfaction I got for torturing Theo is something I shouldn't be feeling. I'm not about killing someone to prove a point.

"Took you long enough." Smiled Theo as he laid there laughing as Liam sits next to him and places his hand in Theo's. It was that moment that everyone saw what I have been seeing for the last three years: a love unlike any other. They don't just like each other – they love each other in more ways than one. "Did you really have to use me to prove a point?"

"Yeah. I'm an alpha. It's my job to put people in their place even if it means I have to distill fear amongst everyone in order to do it. Listen, I don't like torturing anyone, but I need people to start listening and paying attention. Monroe has an army and this time she is prepared; but what she doesn't have is Nolan – the missing piece to the puzzle. I'm sorry I caused you pain, but yeah I had to use you to prove a point. Anyone can play on your weakness and you won't know what to do."

Clapping his hands, Peter turns out from out of the blue after listening to my speech.

"Spoken like a true alpha."


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