Chapter Two

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As I walk down the hallway, I look at the lockers while thinking of all the things that have happened in just a short time. When I was young, I had a trouble finding my purpose in life until Deucalion stepped in as a father figure; since my adopted father had committed suicide because he couldn't handle that I was a werewolf. I'm about to change someone's life just like Deucalion changed mine; because I probably would be dead if he hadn't been in my life. High school wasn't the best times for me and I know I shouldn't be reminiscing about it; because I have to find Nolan and change everything he has come to believe; and it's going to help all of us.


My beta.

The nervous yet baffled kid with supernatural tendencies.

I have to tell him that he's the missing key to this war; and without him we will all die. How do I do that to someone like this? It's too hard to say those words to Nolan. What if I would've let him die? Then I wouldn't be in this predicament, but I would still be in one. Sometimes the hardest things are the things that are simpler than expected. To me, Nolan is still the care bear who can't harm anyone – even if he had pure animosity for the very thing he became. Somehow, he's just like Kate... without the killing complex. To think of her in a time like this is deplorable; because it's not about her. It's about me ruining Nolan's life...again.

Stepping onto the field, I see Liam plunging balls into the goal and I suddenly get a warm feeling. If I help Theo and Liam – I'll be happy for a split second. He's about to discharge another shot, when I step in front of him and catch the ball with my claws. "Woah there buddy. Let's talk."

He looks up towards me and shakes his head while scooping up another ball. "I'm busy."

"No you're're venting."

Fidgeting, he jumps up and down waiting for me move out of the way. I march over to him; and hand him the ball. "Well I'm practicing, Charlie."

"You don't play lacrosse anymore."


I sit on the bench and I point to it while saying, "Come sit. Apparently I am a good listener. Talk to me."

His eyes grow wide as he lowers his lacrosse stick and stands there dumbfounded and numb for a second; before slowly walking over to the bench and setting his gear down. "You know?!"

Smiling, I nod my head and say "I was looking for Nolan. What's going on, little wolf?"

"Nothing. Something. I-I don't know!" stammers Liam as he stares at the ground; picking at his nails. Tapping on his knee, I grab his arm and flip him around. "It's a big deal. How are you feeling?"

"He kissed me." Exclaims Liam as he jolts up.

I throw my hands up and shrug with, "And?!"

He looks at me as if I am crazy and I give him a cunning smile while I wait for his response. For three years, I have seen this relationship blossom from hatred to acquaintances to best friends to this; and I want this to work, because we all deserve to be happy in a time of war.

"And what? He kissed me. Theo made it weird. He...he...changed things Charlie."

"Liam. You kissed him back. Now there's confusion between you both and because you don't know where you stand with him anymore. Everything has changed in the past three years and you were hoping that this wouldn't change. Also seeing Hayden has really rocked your world – since you never thought you would see her again. Do you like him? Like him for the person he has come?"

"Yes, but..."

"There's something there. We all notice it. Just talk to Theo. It's not like the guy is the devil in disguise. You guys have come a long way. Years ago, you would have just tried to kill him and now you want him safe and sound."


"Not when we're in a war. He's in the locker room waiting for you. Don't deny there's something there." I say as I point to the back door that lead into the locker room. "Go. Don't live in the past. Don't live with regrets. You get killed when you start questioning things. Go!"

"Thanks. Hope all goes well for you too."

This is the start of a new generation. We aren't afraid to fall. I promise to save everyone who needs saving; even if they don't deserve it. No one is going to drag us down without a fight. To be brave would be one of our biggest adventures. We need all the happiness in the world, so we don't drown in this war we're wrapped in. This is where I stand. No more giving in and giving up. It is time to be strong and if I can't be strong... who will?

That's when I see Nolan in the corner of my eye and wave goodbye to Liam; as I lunge up and jog over to my sweet-faced friend.

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