Chapter Twenty-One

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As soon as they hear that Monroe is dead – thoughts are going to circulate through the grapevine. One of which will be on whether or not I took matters into my own hands. Ducking under a low-lying branch, I peer down at the loft that still had Halloween decorations out; and then I peer up at the moon...that indeed had a blue tint to her natural greyish complexion. Deep breaths. It's all going to be just fine and dandy. Nothing to worry about. If there was nothing to fret about, then why am I overthinking everything? When it's not one thing, it's a completely different thing. Just my luck. I bet Ryker is planning a pity party for me, before he puts his plan in motion. Let's not even lie and say he doesn't have one – because we all know he does.

In a matter of seconds, everything is going to change.

When the Greenburg guy did what everyone was afraid to do –because of morals and beliefs – everything changed. People who believe in supernaturals are taking it upon themselves and taking out the threats even if that means killing these 'so-called threats'. Walking up to the door, I glance in the window and my heart plummets.

I can't lie to them anymore. They need to know what the plan was all along.

"Where have you been? Nolan told us what your intentions were." Scolded Jackson as he narrows his eyes and arches his eyebrows.

"You're not the boss of me. I was out thinking about going through with that plan." I say as I plop on the couch and stretch my legs out. That's when a tall figure with dark hair walks in and gives everyone a dark and mischievous grin; before walking towards our mini fridge and grabbing a cold one. Then he sits in the love seat and waits for people to start asking the ridiculous questions on why he has finally decided to show up.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything."

"What the hell are you doing here?" barked Malia as Scott holds her back from lunging over the table.

"Certainly not here for you...Maria is it?" Scott almost loses control over Malia who gives Ryker a glower while showing her teeth and arctic blue eyes. "I'm going to kill him."

Laughing, "Speaking of killing someone...I just want to let you know that Monroe is dead." All eyes dart in my direction and I rub my arm. "I just thought you should know. Now I can be the only tormentor in your life – but let's all celebrate – she's gone. Should we thank you Charlotte for the unjustifiable act? I mean the timeline of her death and your whereabouts are questionable."


"C'mon – don't lie. Liars aren't pretty."

"I think people are taking matters into their own hands. The ones that believe in us and the ones that don't. It wasn't me that killed that bloodthirsty, murderous psychopath. She had it coming though and that guy did us all a favor."

Stiles looks away from Lydia and asks, "What guy? How can we trust you?" Theo gives Stiles a deathly look and shakes his head, "Like you're any better? You killed Donovan, remember?"

"Accidental Manslaughter. Two totally different things – I didn't try to kill him. Don't play Mr. Innocent, Theo."

"Really? We're still there?"

"Yes. I will never trust you."

"Get over yourself."

That's when I speak up and wonder, "Who is Greenburg?"

Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Jackson look over to me with wide-eyed expressions and ask, "What?"

"Lucas Greenburg. He killed Monroe."

"We went to school with him. Couch hated him."

Stiles interjects a comment, "Really, he actually admitted to hating Greenburg."

"Why would he? How did he?" mumbles Jackson as he holds his head low in his lap with Ethan's hand on his neck; in efforts to comfort him. "Is she really dead?"

Ryker waves his hand to grab people's attention and smiles his sardonic smile. "Would I lie? Most definitely, but she was a threat to me. Now I am here to be your next worse nightmare. The kid plunged a knife into her heart and it instantly killed her. I'd be afraid of him turning on you guys. You know the saying, 'When the night calls – do your duty. When the night calls – let people know where you stand. When the night calls – don't give up who you are no matter the cost. Fight the unwinnable fights and make sure you come out on top. Don't sacrifice happiness to your human nature, because you won't win.' I won't mess with you guys until I feel like torturing you, but keep an eye out for me. Anyways, kudos to you Charlotte, you didn't have to ruin your reputation and kill a single soul. Good job."

"He said that Monroe was hurting his friends and that no one hurts his friends. Ryker leave. Unless you are here to kill us – just leave." He walks out and everyone sits with their heads in asses. "Then we wait. Like we said, we don't stray away from a fight. We won this one, but it's not over – it's just the beginning."

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now