Chapter Fifteen

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Voices render through the walls until it ceases and doors slam. My eyes were itchy, tired, and throbbing as they continued being glued on his door; expecting it to open. When we first got to Beacon Hills, it was always about taking Monroe down...but life has a funny way of directing us elsewhere. That's when it started happening as if something straight out of a movie.

Two figures headed in my direction with guns; and I cock my head slightly to see Monroe right behind them. Bring it bitch. Wait, I'm still overrun by pain...I can't get up fast enough. Slowly pushing up against the wall, I stand and get into a defensive stance; while noticing that my legs felt like Jell-O as I could feel them wobble beneath me. "You think you can threaten me, Charlotte? That's funny. I know what you are."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. That's when the door slams open and Jackson pulls me. "Only I am allowed to hurt you." I was weak and collapsed in his arms. We attentively listened to the chaos and ruckus brewing in the hallway; as all of our hearts were racing faster and faster. Good thing humans can't smell anxiety. Wait, why am I worrying about that? Obviously, I should be frantically worrying that Monroe and her goons are outside ready to attack us. Why am I not freaking out? Maybe it's the fact that my brother saved me from dying the way Deucalion died? Who knows? Like seriously, who knows? That's when we hear them load the guns with ammo and I pull Jackson down saying, "You need to get out of here."

He throws his hands up and in a hushed voice says, "How? There's no exit besides that door. Plus, I am not leaving you." Tugging on his shirt, I pull him closer and whisper in his ear "You have to. I'm who she wants. Leave."


"This isn't the time to argue with me."

"I said no." sternly states my brother as he pulls me to the bulletproof room he had installed; where Ethan was already at. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

Then Monroe pounds on the door to draw out our attention. "You can't stay in there forever. Your kind shouldn't exist and I promise that after we're done with you – it won't be a problem any longer. So, what's it going to be? You come out or we come in? You know what...I think we'll just plunge some bullets in you...just like we did with Deucalion." Roared Monroe through the door.

Anger coursed through me. Boiling from the inside out; ready to explode just like a teapot – except I'm not some porcelain item that explodes. I'm a werewolf. Attempting to stand up for the fifth time, I fall and almost hit my head on the corner of the table. "You can't win! We have Intel that you'd love to have; but we're not in the sharing mood. So, why don't you come and get us and prove you're not the true monsters you've made us out to be? Unless you're afraid?!"

"She's laughing. Actually laughing at us." States Jackson who gives us a bewildered look.

"Why?" wonders Ethan as he sits down and looks at the door; listening to the heartbeats.

"You mean about Nolan? Yeah, we already know that. Don't you think I did my research before coming back? My people are already on their way to take care of him; and once he's gone – I am going to kill you all."

Panic registered in my face. "Oh my god..." I say as I slip my phone out and unlock my screen. "I-I have to warn everyone...I-I have c-call N-Nolan." I sob as my hands are shaking violently. Jackson grabs my phone and dials Scott, Derek, and Nolan at the same time.

We have a problem.

What's going on? (Scott)

Ethan, Charlie, and I are trapped.

Obviously that's not why you called us. What's wrong? (Derek)

Protect Nolan at all costs. Monroe knows. She knew all along. Guys are already on their way to take care of Nolan.

Oh my god. (Nolan)

Just keep him alive.

Will do.


Then we click the phone off and wait for someone to make the next move. Sweat dripping down our face; hearts racing, our mouths going dry, and our breathing becoming more rapid; as our ears rang and heads spun in anticipation to Monroe's surprise attack.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now