Chapter Thirteen

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Coming out of the room, everyone just stares at me.

"What? What did I do this time? Last time I checked, I was the alpha and I made the rules. I'm unconventional and that is why you guys like me. Actually, to be honest, you don't have to like me – you just have to abide by my orders and rules. Anyone that has ever been an alpha or is an alpha knows how tough it is; because with all that power – there are temptations. With that status, people look at you differently. Why should I waste my time on a group of people that continually judge me for protecting you all? For acting fast and being quick on my feet? So, I shouldn't have to apologize and beg for you all to take me back. It's not fair. I never chose this chose me and then some. If you guys are going to be mad at what I did to Jackson; then leave now. If you guys want the easy way out; then run away from this fight. If you think I am being unfair; well there's the door. If you guys are going to judge me for teasing Ryker and getting him off our backs for a while – then sue me. Get off your high horses and start acting like a pack or we will die. Sorry to break it to you – but that's the cold and hurtful truth." I say aggressively as I slam my fists against the table; shocking everyone.

Isaac holds my shoulder and points to the door. That's when I notice a girl with lengthy brown hair and eyes that I could never forget waiting at the door.


"I leave for a while and this is what happens when you give teenagers the reign."

"Well hello to you too." Smiles Peter before getting a death glare from Cora who just stood there.

"You should be dead. You are the blame for this."

"Oh, isn't this a nice family reunion?"

Moving away from Isaac's clutch, I look to Cora and say, "Cora?"

At first she doesn't recognize me until she looks into my eyes; and her eyes go big as if I was the best gift she could ever get. "Charlie? Is it really you?" exclaims Cora as she throws her arms around me and hugs me as if the world depended on it.

I nod. "I thought...I thought...! You're alive? You survived?" Whispering in my ear as my hair kept getting in the way, "I thought I would never see you again. How are you here?"

"Peter's my dad. Kate's my mother."

She pulls back and gives a sideways glance to Peter and asks, "Is he a good father? Has he tried taking your power?"


"I have changed you know? I'm a reformed sociopath."

"You're still Peter Hale." Slyly states Cora as she leans up against the pillar; watching everyone's move.

"So what is the plan?"

"Why am I not surprise? You only show up when we really need help."

"Peter – shut up. I'm helping them...not you." Mouths off Cora as she smiles at me with her daring eyes and then at her brother. This is what family is all about. Coming together in the time of need and working to solve the problem. Without family, there's nothing to fight for or protect. There's just a dark oblivion of fear and anxiety and depression and sometimes death; and there's no getting away from it. Family is our anchor. We all need an anchor to keep us grounded when we get carried away. This means I have to make good with my jack-ass of a brother in order to make this plan work.

"The plan is simple..."I begin to explain to Cora as the next hour went by until she completely understood it. "Think it will work?"

"I'm not an alpha...but yes. Is he ready to fulfill his 'destiny'? He looks like the type to be: skittish, troubled, and not a killer. A misunderstood kid with a malicious experience three years ago. Are you sure he is ready, Charlotte?" questions Cora as she points to Nolan who just looked back and forth between Cora and me. Peeping over to my beta, I smile and shake my head.

"Yes." For a second, she just sat there and gazed at Nolan and tried to see what I saw: courage, curiosity, damaged goods, and resilient. She was confused and torn with her prior beliefs that kids have no use in this world; and whether or not she should alter her perspective to adapt to change. That's when you see her eyes get big as she notices what I see; and she promptly peeks back at me and grins. There was no denying the warm feeling that we got from being in Nolan's presence; but also being part of history in the making. Zodiac Wolves haven't had their powers activated in centuries; especially by Lunar Wolves.

"Then let's put the next plan in motion."

"I have to fix things with Jackson first."

"I know." Smiles Cora as she moves over to Nolan and begins talking to him. Then she points to the door and encourages me with, "Go. Family is important."

Peter sarcastically says, "I guess that only applies to certain members, right?"

"You killed my sister. You've murdered a vast amount of people. Leave me alone, Peter."

"Later guys."

When the Night Calls ↠ Charlotte Hale (2) [Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now